Page 4 - PR 2014 2016 06 Radiopharmacy
P. 4
126 Radiopharmacy | Progress Report
The Commercial Department (SAC) is respon-
The Production of sible for receiving the product order from the
Radiopharmaceuticals clients weekly or by demand. These radiophar-
is divided in 3 maceuticals are distributed to approximately
different areas 430 Nuclear Medicine Clinics. The main prod-
uct specifications are described as follows:
• Radioisotopes:
( 99m Tc generator,
PET, SPECT A Radioisotopes
ready to use)
• Labeled Genervator:
Compounds: for
diagnosis (PET GERADOR-IPEN-TEC 99m Tc
and SPECT) and Generator - IPEN-TEC
for therapy The 99m Tc - Generator is a system which
produces Technetium-99m for labeling
• Lyophilized Kits for lyophilized “kits” and it also is used in
labeling with 99m Tc nuclear medicine for thyroid and salivary
glands scintigraphy. Approximately
400 generators are delivered weekly.
Radioisotopes ready to use
IOD-IPEN-131- I-Na - Sodium
iodide solution
For oral study of thyroid gland and therapy
of thyroid cancer and metastases.
CAPS-IPEN I-Na -Sodium iodide capsules
For therapy of hyperthyroidism and
therapy of thyroid cancer and metastases.
IOD-IPEN-123 I-Na - Sodium
iodide solution
For oral study of thyroid gland.
CROMAT-IPEN Cr – Sodium chromate
Used in nuclear medicine for study of red
blood survival and spleen scintigraphy.
GAL-IPEN Ga - Gallium citrate
Indicated for localization and
detection of soft tissue tumors
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares