Page 9 - PR 2014 2016 06 Radiopharmacy
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Radiopharmacy | Progress Report  131

               Quality control of                             production areas (hot cells and clean areas) by
               radiopharmaceuticals                           collecting and measuring airborne particles

                                                              as well as microbiological contamination is
               Quality Control is part of the Good Manufac-   assessed with passive and active air sampling.
               turing Practices (GMP) which is concerned to   The quality of water used in different processes
               sampling, specifications and testing, and also   is also examined. Training of professionals
               to organization, documentation and release     of Nuclear Medicine also takes place in the
               procedures which ensure that the necessary     laboratories of the Quality Control. The staff of
               and relevant tests are actually carried out and   the Quality Control (QC) Laboratory is trained
               the radiopharmaceutical drugs are not released   and qualified and participates actively with
               for use by the responsible radiopharmacist     all the other groups in the maintenance of the
               until their quality is guaranteed. Radiophar-  ISO 9001-2015 Certification, in compliance
               maceuticals are transported to the nuclear     with GMP for radiopharmaceuticals. The QC
               medicine services in accordance with the       group is also engaged in the qualification of
               radiation protection regulation. Nowadays,     equipment, development and validation of
               about 80,000 assays are executed in radio-     analytical methodologies, validation of pro-
               nuclides including eluates from radionuclide   duction processes, observing the requirements
               generators, ready to use radiopharmaceuticals,   of the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency
               non-radioactive components for labeling with   (ANVISA) and it has also been participating in
               a radionuclide, starting materials, packaging   the development of new products.
               materials and environmental monitoring at
               the Radiopharmacy Center of IPEN-CNEN/SP.      Research and Development
               In order to evaluate if radiopharmaceuticals
               comply with the specifications of national     The area of Research and Development ap-
               and international pharmacopoeias and offi-     plied to Radiopharmacy at IPEN is divided into
               cial standards for oral and parenteral human   6 different fields: Radionuclide generators;
               administration(,) strict quality control tests   Primary radioisotopes; Labeling of molecules
               are performed.                                 for diagnosis (PET and SPECT) and therapy;
                                                              lyophilized kits and quality control analytical
               Specific tests that ensure purity, potency,    methodologies.
               product identity, biologic safety and efficacy
               include physicochemical and biological tests:   The main achievements are described as fol-
               organoleptic characteristics, pH, particle size   lows:
               measurement, determination of radionuclid-
               ic, radiochemical and chemical purity, cap-    Radionuclide generators
               sules dissolution testing, sterility, bacterial   •  Study of high activity  Mo-  99m Tc gener-
               endotoxin test, biodistribution and toxicity      ators
               studies, among others. The Quality Control       •  Study of different Sep-PaksÆ filters for
               has adequate facilities with modern analyti-      using in  Mo/ 99m Tc  generators
               cal equipment for its activities. Instrumental
               techniques as gamma counters, IR spectro-      Primary radioisotopes
               photometry, GC, ICP-OES, HPLC and gamma          •  Production method for  Cu.
               spectrometry with HPGe detector are used.        •  New target for   I
               Environmental monitoring is conducted in the
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