Page 10 - PR 2014 2016 06 Radiopharmacy
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132   Radiopharmacy | Progress Report

               Labeling of molecules for diagnosis               – IPEN – CNEN/SP.
               (PET and SPECT) and therapy                      •  Training on Preclinical Assays for Radio-
                 •  Studies pre-clinicals with  F-Choline;       pharmaceuticals, Dr Michael Maria Well-
                 •  Labelling of PSMA-11 with  Ga using          ing, Dr. Lorena Pozzo, Dr. Danele Faria, MSc.
                  synthesis module                               Paula Feltes, Dr. Marcos Lima. 21 – 25th
                 •  Labelling of PSMA 617 and Rituximab with     November. IPEN – CNEN/SP.
                  177 Lu
                 •  Labelling of Cetuximab with  In and  Zr   REBRATS - NAT – IPEN
                 •  Trastuxumab with  Lu and  Cu
                 •  Development of: a production method for   Since late 2016, IPEN is an oficial Nucleus of
                  MAG3 labeling with  99m Tc                  Health Techtology Assessment (NAT, from
                                                              Portuguese: Núcleo de Avaliação de Tecnolo-
               Lyophilized kits –                             gias) of REBRATS, the Brazilian net for Health
                 •  Development of a production method for    Technology Assessment (from Portuguese:
                  PSMA-11 lyophilized kit labeling with  Ga   Rede Brasileira de Avaliação de Tecnologias
                                                              em Saúde), of Ministry of Health.
               IAEA Projects
                 •  RLA 6074-006- Curso Regional de Capac-
                  itación sobre Validación                    bros-cat/440-instituto-de-pesquisas-en-
                 •  BRA 6027- Improving protocols in nuclear   ergeticas-e-nucleares-ipen-cnen-sp
                  medicine services and in the development
                  of new radiopharmaceuticals                 Preclinical Imaging Laboratory

               The Project IAEA – BRA 6027 - “Improving
               protocols in Nuclear Medicine Services and     The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of
               in the Development of new Radiopharmaceu-      University of São Paulo (FCF – USP) and IPEN
               ticals” started on 2016 and is coordinated by   had firmed an agreement on 2013 to manage
               Lorena Pozzo. It is a collaborative work among   the Preclinical Imaging Laboratory at Center
               four national institutions: IPEN, CRCN, CDTN   of Radiopharmacy, IPEN. This core facility is
               and InsCer – PUCRS. During four years, these   composed by an experimental bioterium, a
               institutions will work to develop and provide   room for animal preparation, surgeries and
               new Radiopharmaceuticals for PET/CT to the     radioactive materials manipulation and a
               Brazilian society, like FLT, FCholine FES, PIB   dedicated imaging room equipped with a
               and FMISO.                                     PET/SPECT/CT scanner for small animals
               Two events were organized in the scope of
               the Project to spread the knowledge about the   Since then, the laboratory has developed dif-
               Development of new Radiopharmaceuticals        ferent researches in a collaborative approach
               and pre-clinical tests, including imaging:     with FCF – USP and other centers from IPEN
                 •  National Course: Theoretical and practical   and USP, as well as other national institutions
                  techniques on synthesis and quality control   for research.
                  on new PET tracers, Dr. Philip Elsinga, Dr.
                  Regina Célia Carneiro, Mr. Marcos Vinícius   In the period from 2014 to 2016, about 10
                  Fortes Alba, Dr. Lorena Pozzo. 3 - 7th October   projects were developed using this facility,

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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