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226   Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report

               Studies of trace gases and                     pletion	in	mid-2015.	An	ecological	survey
               greenhouse gases of urban                      including	a	biodiversity	assessment	has	been

               areas and remote areas                         conducted	in	the	forest	region	surrounding
                                                              the	 site.	 Measurements	 of	 micrometeoro-
                                                              logical	and	atmospheric	chemical	variables
               Modifications by Anthropogenic                 were	initiated,	in	2012,	and	their	range	has
               Pollution of the Natural Atmospheric           continued	to	broaden	over	the	last	few	years.
               Chemistry and Particle Microphysics            The	meteorological	and	micrometeorological
               of the Tropical Rain Forest During the         measurements	include	temperature	and	wind
               GoAmazon (Green Ocean Amazon)                  profiles,	precipitation,	water	and	energy	flux-

                                                              es,	turbulence	components,	soil	temperature
               The	GoAmazon	campaign	seeks	to	quantify	       profiles	and	soil	heat	fluxes,	radiation	fluxes,
               and	understand	how	aerosol	and	cloud	life	     and	visibility.	A	tree	has	been	instrumented
               cycles	in	a	particularly	clean	background	in	  to	measure	stem	profiles	of	temperature,	light
               the	tropics	are	influenced	by	pollutant	outflow	  intensity,	and	water	content	in	cryptogamic
               from	a	large	tropical	city,	all	in	the	context	of	  covers.	The	trace	gas	measurements	comprise
               addressing	the	susceptibility	of	cloud-aero-   continuous	monitoring	of	carbon	dioxide,	car-
               sol-precipitation	interactions	to	present-day	  bon	monoxide,	methane,	and	ozone	at	five	to
               and	future	pollution	in	the	tropics.	Within	   eight	different	heights,	complemented	by	a
               this	context	of	GoAmazon,	the	overall	goals	   variety	of	additional	species	measured	during
               of	the	proposed	research	are	(i)	to	measure	   intensive	campaigns	(e.g.,	VOC,	NO,	NO ,	and
               and	mechanistically	understand	the	factors	    OH	reactivity).	Aerosol	optical,	microphysical,
               affecting	the	number-diameter	distribution	    and	chemical	measurements	are	being	made
               n(d)	of	the	atmospheric	particle	population	   above	the	canopy	as	well	as	in	the	canopy
               over	a	tropical	rain	forest	(especially	the	effects	  space.	They	include	aerosol	light	scattering	and
               of	anthropogenic	pollution	as	a	perturbation	  absorption,	fluorescence,	number	and	volume
               to	natural	state)	and	(ii)	to	develop	and	imple-  size	distributions,	chemical	composition,	cloud
               ment	an	upscaling	analysis	from	this	new	data	  condensation	nuclei	(CCN)	concentrations,	and
               set	and	knowledge	of	n(d)	to	prognosticate	    hygroscopicity.	In	this	paper,	we	discuss	the
               possible	climatic	impacts	of	present-day	urban	  scientific	context	of	the	ATTO	observatory	and
               pollution	and	possibly	greater	pollution	in	the	  present	an	overview	of	results	from	ecological,
               future.	                                       meteorological,	and	chemical	pilot	studies	at
                                                              the	ATTO	site.
               The Amazon Tall Tower Observatory
               (ATTO): overview of pilot measurements         Characterization of São Paulo
               on ecosystem ecology, meteorology,             contaminated areas by persistent organic
               trace gases, and aerosols                      pollutants (POPs) and development
                                                              of a safe decomposition process
               The	Amazon	Tall	Tower	Observatory	(ATTO)
               has	been	set	up	in	a	pristine	rain	forest	region	  Pesticides	banned,	obsolete	or	discarded	con-
               in	the	central	Amazon	Basin,	about	150	km	     stitute	a	serious	environmental	risk	around
               northeast	of	the	city	of	Manaus.	Two	80m	      the	world,	especially	in	developing	countries.
               towers	have	been	operated	at	the	site,	since	  Pesticides	are	among	the	compounds	that
               2012,	 and	 a	 325m	 tower	 is	 nearing	 com-  constitute	the	group	of	so-called	POPs,	or

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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