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224   Environmental Science and Technology | Progress Report

               in	parts	of	the	municipalities	of	Cotia,	Embu,	  elements	Cu,	Cr,	Zn	showed	values	above	the
               Itapecerica	da	Serra,	Juquitiba,	São	Lourenço	da	  TEL	and	PEL.	The	results	indicated	significant
               Serra	and	São	Paulo	and	in	the	Embu	Guaçu’s	   environmental	impacts	from	urban	invasion
               total	area.	This	reservoir	has	significant	degra-  and	sewage	waste,	all	of	which	seriously	affect
               dation	in	the	quality	of	water	due	to	domestic	  water	quality	and,	consequently,	the	sediment
               and	industrial	wastewater	contribution,	which	  quality.
               affects	the	cost	of	treatment	and	makes	it
               difficult	to	access	drinking	water.	The	study	  Distribution of Nitrogen Species in the
               presents	the	results	of	26	metals,	7	anions,	  Guarapiranga Dam, São Paulo – SP
               limnology	 parameters:	 pH,	 conductivity,
               temperature,	dissolved	oxygen,	water	clarity,	  Guarapiranga	Dam	is	responsible	for	about	20
               obtained	from	samples	collections	between	     %	of	the	water	supply	of	the	Metropolitan	Re-
               the	years	2011-2013,	These	are	water	samples	  gion	of	São	Paulo	(RMSP).	This	reservoir	started
               on	the	surface,	middle	and	bottom	on	14	points	  to	be	used	as	public	supply	source	to	the	city
               and	bottom	sediment	in	these	same	points	      of	São	Paulo	in	1928,	however,	since	the	60s,
               being	evaluated	26	metals.	The	sediment	       there	has	been	an	irregular	and	disordered
               results	were	compared	with	TEL	(Threshold	     occupation	around	its	region.	As	a	result,	the
               Effect	Level)	and	PEL	(Probable	Effect	Level)	  reservoir	has	significantly	been	altered	due	to
               values,	water	results	were	compared	with	      the	multiple	environmental	impacts	caused
               the	established	limits	by	the	resolution	of	   by	anthropic	activities.	These	hydrodynamic
               CONAMA	357/2005.	Limnological	parameters,	     changes	in	the	water	body	are	involved	in	the
               conductivity,	pH	and	dissolved	oxygen	were	    eutrophication	processes,	in	other	words,	in
               outside	the	framework	of	CONAMA’s	resolu-      the	distribution	of	nutrients	in	the	resource,	as
               tion.	All	Ionic	species	responded	to	established	  presented	by	several	studies.	Eutrophication	is
               by	CONAMA,	however	it	is	noted	an	increase	    a	natural	process	that	ocurrs	in	water	bodies,
               in	concentrations	between	samples	collected.	  nevertheless,	when	associated	with	anthropic
               Nitrogen	series	as	well	as	Fe:P	ratio	showed	  activities,	it	produces	changes	in	aquatic	eco-
               important	contribution	of	control	parameters	  systems,	increasing	nutrients	amount,	mainly
               of	the	organic	load	in	reservoir.	Of	the	26	ele-  nitrogen	and	phosphorus,	and	through	contri-
               ments	analyzed,	only	Al,	Cu,	Mn	concentrations	  butions	from	wastewater,	it	may	interfere	in
               were	observed	outside	of	the	CONAMA’s	resolu-  the	water	quality	and	use.	As	nitrogen	is	an
               tion	.	In	the	sediments	analyzed,	the	chemical	  important	nutrient	and	ammoniacal	species

               Figure 4 (a,b) - Nutrient and ammoniacal species distribution at Guarapiranga Dam.

                         Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares
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