Page 6 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
P. 6
4 / Opening address
Dear friends!
О n behalf of Rosoboronexport, I salute The show can boast a long history. It has been
held since 1986 and is rightfully considered
you and congratulate you on the
one of the most representative international
opening of the Dubai Airshow 2019
steadily holds its postition in the top five
Exhibition. International Aviation and Space aerospace exhibitions of today. Dubai Airshow
largest aerospace showrooms in the world
along with the Russian „MAKS“, Paris Air Show,
Farnborough International and Air Show China.
Since 1993, Russia has become and remains an
active participant in it. We are pleased to note,
that the scale of the exhibition is constantly
increasing. Today, more than a thousand
companies from all over the world present
their products here, and the number of visitors
approaches a 100 thousand.
Rosoboronexport is proud to organise a joint
exposition of the largest Russian developers and
manufacturers of military aircraft, helicopters,
air defence systems and other products for the
aviation and space industries. In 2019, Russia is
represented by world-famous companies with
a rich history, vast experience and specialists of
the highest class: holdings of State Corporation
„Rostec“, JSC „Russian Helicopters“, JSC „UEC“,
JSC «Research, development and production
facility „Vysokotochnie Kompleksy“», JSC
„Shvabe“ as well as PJSC „UAC“, JSC «„Almaz –
Antey“ Air and Space Defence Corporation» and
With each new exhibition, Rosoboronexport
is experiencing a significant increase in
interest regarding the products offered by