Page 7 - RD_DubaiAirshow2019
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Special issue Dubai Airshow 2019 /             5

            representatives of the Air Force and Air Defence   by small and ultra-small drones that fell into
            forces of the Middle East and other regions of   the hands of terrorists. Today, Rosoboronexport
            the world. Each time, in turn, we do our best to   presents a wide range of products that can
            justify the attention of our partners and surprise   protect any objects and territories from this
            them with unique Russian developments and   emergent danger. Among such products are
            industry innovations.                    both serious means air defence — the famous
                                                     „Pantsir-S1M“ and „Tor-E2“, as well as highly
            Dubai Airshow 2019 was no exception. This   mobile ones, carried or transported by cars.
            year, Russia showcases the latest fifth-  We are closely following the developing trends
            generation multi-functional fighter Su-57E;   of the international arms market, including the
            the Il-112VE light military-transport aircraft,   Middle East — the most important region of
            developed by Rostec, which previously    the world for Russia. In the framework of Dubai
            modernized the Mi-28NE helicopter with its   Airshow 2019, along with a demonstration
            combat experience in mind; as well as unique   of the best examples of Russian weapons,
            means for air defence, including the modernized   we are prepared to inform our partners of a
            version of the anti-aircraft missile and gun   whole variety of forms of mutually beneficial
            system „Pantsir-S1M“. The space theme was not   cooperation and our unique proposals in the
            skipped either: in Dubai we will demonstrate a   field of technology transfer and infrastructure
            new specialized radar for observing space-based   project management, space-based ones included.
            objects „Sula“.
                                                                              Director General
            Along with novelty products of significant                   of Rosoboronexport JSC
            export potential, Russian companies                           Alexander Mikheev
            traditionally brought some of the world-market
            bestsellers to the exhibition: the legendary S-400
            long-range anti-aircraft missile systems, Mi-
            171Sh and Mi-35M helicopters, Su-35 and MiG-
            35 aircraft as well as high-precision aviation
            weaponry, tested in real-life conditions.
            We expect great interest towards the offered
            Russian developments for countering unmanned
            aerial vehicles. Unfortunately, the Middle East
            became one of the first regions in the world
            to learn about the reality of the threat posed
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