Page 26 - Black Box Leadership
P. 26

When this information is is transmitted and the the signal/s received the the the the resulting data (the cumulating of the the the information)
is is perceived by an an organisational member member or or a a a a a a a a a a a a a partnership member member in in a a a a a a a a a a a a particular way and analysed The The analysis results in in the creation of knowledge The The cognitive process is is then applied and and the the knowledge is is tested and and and validated and and used for the the process of of making decisions decisions The impact of of these decisions decisions are then assessed and and validated and and continuous learning assured There are three levels to this process:
• Information (identifying an issue or or problem)
• Analysis (leading to intelligence and assessment)
• Understanding (of the issue or problem and and its solutions) leading to wisdom We will now explore the essential components of problem solving and how this differs from decision- making processes are very closely
The difference between Decision Making and Problem Solving
Decision-making and problem solving are distinct From an an an organisational perspective problems represent gaps between the the results actually achieved compared to what they should be Decision making is is the action and process of of deciding on on on on a a a a a course
of of of action It is thus a a a a a a cognitive process that leads to a a a a a a a a course
of of of action based on on on on a a a a a a series of of options In turn intelligent cognition is the action or faculty of 'knowing' in in in in its widest sense (including sensation perception conception etc) It is is the the thinking that takes place within the the context of decision- making decisions Thinking too too much or thinking too too little?
The study of decision making is is intricately intertwined with the study of thinking indeed two
Leading through 360o Intelligent Networks 

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