Page 30 - Ofimática Revista Semestral _Gorgeous
P. 30
What is Office Automation?
Computer science is the science that studies
computers as a whole (machines and
programs). The concept of informatics is
given by the union of two words Information
and automatics.
This is the „body of scientific and technical
knowledge which makes it possible to
process information automatically by means
of computers'.
The concept of office automation applies to
all those techniques, procedures, services,
etc., which are based on information
technology (information technology and
communications) and whose implementation
is carried out in the field of office work and
similar environments. The concept of office
automation comes from the union of two
With different shapes, sizes, technologies
and colors, for example, calculators,
Competer or computer
ATMs, electronic organizers, etc.
A computer or computer is a machine Types of computers.
capable of performing a sequence of
operations, by means of a program, using
input data to obtain an output result.
Super computers
It is the most powerful computer to date,
processing huge amounts of information very
quickly. It is used to simulate complex
phenomena such as: nuclear fusion, air
pollution, etc.
General purpose and most popular
computers are personal computers or PCs.
But there are different types of computers