Page 33 - Ofimática Revista Semestral _Gorgeous
P. 33

TERABYTE (TBYTE)                          1,099,511,627,776 BYTES.

                   PETABYTE (PBYTE)                          1,125,899,906,842,624 BYTES.


                  Hardware includes the study and work with               The processor or CPU
                  circuits, components, keyboards, hard disks,
                  etc. That is, everything that is physical, that
                  can be weighed and measured, that is "hard":    The  processor  is  the  most  important
                  keyboard, monitor, mouse, printer, scanner,     component of the hardware, also known as
                  etc.                                            the Central

                                                                  Processing Unit (CPU).

                  It is often referred to as a tower, box, etc. In   Control Unit: controls the external and
                  the case of PCs, it sometimes supports the      internal elements that allow the entry
                  monitor (screen) and should not be confused     and exit of information.
                  with it. It contains the slots of the floppy disk
                  drive, CD and DVD players, etc., as well as the   Storage  Unit:  saves  the  information
                  computer power button.                          sent  by  the  control  unit.  This  unit  is
                                                                  also known as memory.

                  It consists of three essential parts:           Arithmetic  and  Logic  Unit:  solves
                                                                  arithmetic and logic processes.
                                                                  They are those that send information
                              Peripherals     or     Input        to the CPU to be analyzed (keyboard,
                             Devices                              mouse, scanner, etc.).

                        Keyboard                                 This device is mainly used for entering
                                                                  text  and  is  divided  into  four  key

                        Alphanumeric  keys:  contains                 Numeric keys: it is known as an
                         letters,  numbers  and  special                 independent board and is used
                         characters.                                     as a calculator.

                        Editing  or  control  keys:  These            Function  keys:  these  keys,
                         keys  perform  special  functions               (from  F1  to  F12)  serve  as
                         such     as    page     advance,                "shortcuts"  to  access  certain
                         deletion, insertion, etc.                       functions  assigned  to  it  by  the
                                                                         different programs  more
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