Page 2 - Kingdom News Today Edition 6
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Let me start off by saying, “the Lord is GREAT and greatly to be Praised.”  This year
                              has been an phenomenal year and as we close out 2017 and prepare ourselves for
                              20118, I pray that His blessings never cease in our lives.  He has an eternal well of
                              blessings for each and everyone of us, so keep holding on to His promises.

                              I would like to make a quick announcement regarding the magazine.  Kingdom News
                              was  a  vision  given  to  me  in  2009,  it’s  vision  has  changed  a  few  times,  but  the
         magazine is a success and I am thankful for that.  It’s because of my writers and my readers.  Not sure if
         anyone noticed, but our previous magazines were named, Kingdom News Magazine; however, the name
         has not officially changed to Kingdom News Today!   Along with the name change, we will be launching our
         website in early 2018 under the name  Please bookmark this page and stay
         tune for more details about the    website.

         The writers for this issue has worked hard and I thank you for allowing your works to be debuted in this
         edition of Kingdom News Today.  Many of the articles that have been shared in this magazine have been
         very private parts of people’s lives where they wanted to share in order to help others.  I thank each of you,
         I understand that healing comes in sharing your testimony—Thank You!

         Mrs. Pat Taylor, thank you for your patience, since you had your article in months ago.  Your article is a very
         timely  article  for  many  who  are  going  through  this  holiday  season  without  love  ones  who  have  passed
         away.  I pray strength to you and the many others who have loved ones no longer with them.

         I had one writer in particular for this edition that has hurdle after hurdle in getting his article to me.   Pastor
         Israel Hafiz is from Ghana and during the week he was trying to submit his article, they had lots of rain and
         power outages.  Many times, these power outages would last for hours at a time.  Because he isn’t fast at
         typing,  he  was  having  a  friend  type  it  and  the  article  was  almost  done,  but  the  power  went  out.    Not
         knowing how long the power would be out and his determination to get the article submitted, they turned
         on the generate to power the computer so that the article could be finished and e-mail.  He had sent me an
         audio message giving me an update as to how the article was going and I actually heard the generator
         running.    This  blessed  me  so  much,  so  I  thank  you  Pastor  Hafiz  for  your  determination  to  have  your
         submission a part of this edition of Kingdom News Today!

         As I was preparing to design this edition, the Lord told me to do a year in review.  As I flipped through the
         pages of this issues from this year, I began to see why the Lord told me to do a Year in  Review  Edition.
         People have stepped out in faith and left their jobs, working toward making their life of struggles a stage
         play,  carrying  out  the  dreams  of  a  loved  one  lost,  help    is  being  provided  to  those  in  need  within  our
         communities, and so much more.  There is so much movement within the lives of people and so much of it
         is God’s will being manifested in our lives, so we have to share.  I hope you enjoy this edition of Kingdom
         News Today, I know I enjoyed putting it together.

         Enjoy this edition and have a blessed and wonderful Christmas with your families, celebrating the birth of
         our Savior.
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