Page 19 - Kingdom News Edition 11
P. 19

Health & Fitness
                    Eating as an Act of Worship Ministries

         G                                     impacted.    On  the  contrary,        tion  swell  with  sin,  and
                   luttony  is  tradition-
                   ally  thought  of  in
                                               most of the affluent countries
                                                                                      gluttony is a physical man-
                   terms  of  excessive
                                               in the world are experiencing
                   eating,  and  that  is
                                                                                      place spiritually in the sin-
         one  way  the  Bible  defines         the same problem.  However,            ifestation  of  what  takes
                                               it’s not a new issue.  The Bible
         gluttony     (Proverbs     23:20      clearly  states  that  gluttony        ful society.
         NKJV).  However, God's Word           has taken hold of entire soci-
         also teaches us that gluttony         eties in the past.   “As one of        Now  that  God  has  shined
         includes  a  pattern  of  self-       their  own  prophets  has  said,       the  light  of  His  word  on
         gratification,  or  rather,  grati-   ‘Cretans  are  always  liars,  evil    your  sin,  you  should  con-
         fying  the  lust  of  your  flesh.    beasts,  lazy  gluttons.’”  (Titus     fess  it  and  repent.  Then
         If  you're  honest  with  your-       1:12  Berean  Study  Bible).  Ti-      the Holy Spirit will empow-
         self, the truth is you have de-       tus 1:12 teaches us that glut-         er you to do what you have
         veloped a habit or pattern of         tony is a symptom of a socie-          been unable to do for your-
         excessively  eating  unhealthy        ty's  moral  decay.    Like  the       self,  succeed  where  so
         foods  and  beverages  as  a  re-     Cretan  society  described  in         many others have failed!
         sult  of  becoming  entangled         Titus, we have failed to follow
         with  the  sin  of  gluttony.  In     the  example  of  Deuteronomy
         Deuteronomy  21:18-21,  the           21  by “putting away the evil-
         Bible  teaches  us  that  the         doers.”  Instead, we have em-
         stubborn and rebellious glut-         braced their stubborn and re-
         ton  was  stoned  to  death  "so      bellious  ways  and  adopted  a
         that all Israel would hear and        gluttonous  lifestyle  as  an  ac-
         fear," thereby stopping sin in        ceptable way of life.
         its  tracks  before  it  could
         spread to the rest of the Jew-        Accordingly,  as  an  individual
         ish  society.    In  other  words,    gets  fatter  due  to  his  or  her    Workbook & Teacher’s Editions
         the  path  to  permanent,  sus-       gluttonous  lifestyle,  societies         Available on

         tained weight loss and overall        as a whole also get fatter as a                    Ann  Wooten-Taylor  is
         health  and  fitness  begins          result  of  collectively  gratify-                 the C.E.O. of Eating as
         with repentance.  Refusing to         ing the flesh instead of living                    an Act of Worship Min-
         repent  results  in  the  same        in accordance to God's Word.                       istries.  The  ministry
                                                                                                  began as a result of her
         fate  the  stubborn  and  rebel-      To  put  it  another  way,  the                    deliverance from obesi-
         lious glutton suffered, an ear-       more  we,  as  a  society,  rebel                  ty,  and  she  has  been
         ly and unnecessary death.             against  God  and  disobey  His       teaching others the Christian weight loss
                                               commandments,  the  more              principles  she  learned  since  2012.  Un-
         Notwithstanding,  obesity  is         saturated  in  sin  our  country,     like many Christian weight loss classes,
                                                                                     the  EAW  class  is  not  a  forum  where
         not  just  an  epidemic  that  af-    and  increasingly,  the  rest  of     individuals come together, say a prayer,
         fects  individuals.    Moreover,      the  world  becomes.    Conse-        and then have a workout session.
         the  United  States  is  not  the     quently,  like  a  person’s  body
         only nation the epidemic has          swells with fat, so does a na-

                                 Kingdom News Magazine—March 2019 Volume 11 ~ Page 19
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