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Before the bank says...

               “Unfortunately Mr. & Mrs. Commercial Borrower your refi-cashout loan submission is not a fit for

               If this has happened to you, know that you are not alone.

               The commercial world has had a major shift since 2008 for traditional lenders, small business
               owners, and investors.  And that shift has not had a very positive outlook for commercial
               business owners and investors.

               Since the traditional lending world has become more regulated and restricted in their lending
               criteria many commercial borrowers have been left with nowhere to turn.

               Until today…

               This easy 20 minute short read  that you have in your hand is the only resource of its kind and if
               you take action after reading it, you are certain to get results you are looking for.

               Without further ado let’s dive in...


               Welcome to the first digital guide book for commercial real estate.​ ​This book was written with the
               concept of money is time and time is money.  My goal in writing this short read was to provide
               you the essential points you should know about refinancing and cashing out your commercial
               property. The reason the book was written this way is because there is an overabundance of
               information today in the finance industry written by theorists and bloggers who are not deal
               makers or closers.  Most of the information from the aforementioned sources are cookie cutter
               and lack actionable steps to help you reach your financial goals. As an investor your job is to
               deploy capital and close on deals, and this resource that you have in your hand will help you
               continue to do that.

               Within select chapters of the book their are interactive videos that you can watch for a visual
               reference to expand on key concepts.

               All you have to do is click the link and the video will appear for you to view. Most videos are
               between 1-3 minutes long.

               I hope you enjoy this resource.
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