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Beth Shinn Karen Thomas
Beth Shinn is a licensed REALTOR® and our Settlement and Listing Karen Thomas is responsible for a diverse array of tasks such as accounts
Coordinator. Communicating with sellers, agents and contractors on all payable, customer correspondence, office equipment and coordinating
aspects of selling and buying a home is just one of Beth’s specialties. She REALTOR® licensing. She also schedules showing appointments and
makes sure all the pieces come together for your closing. But prior to a gathering feedback from agents so that we have a full understanding of
contract, Beth works with our Listing Team to polish your listing and how the market is reacting to our listings.
put it in the best light possible for a buyer.
Sherri Nowicki Tiffany Carver - O’Malley
Tiffany’s utmost priority is satisfied customers; Tiffany is driven in life
and business by “giving a little more effort.” She is dedicated to her
Sherri Nowicki is a licensed REALTOR®with invaluable education, business and strives to exceed her customer’s expectations through
experience and skills. A degree in sales and marketing from Grove City patience and communication. Tiffany learned from a very young age
College, plus certification as a home staging specialist combined with growing up in real estate that purchasing a home can be the single
her work in custom home building, equips Sherri to offer top-level largest investment a person can make. Tiffany is committed to providing
professional service. Sherri honed her skills as a real estate agent in excellent customer service to buyers and sellers specializing in residential
Maryland for many years before joining The Debbie Reed Team. As a sales. Licensed since 2003, Tiffany has received awards from RE/MAX
result, Sherri is a superb negotiator who works for a winning experience International for outstanding performance several years running. Tiffany
for all of our clients. is a lifelong Delaware resident who graduated from the University of
Delaware with a degree in Marketing.