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Debbie Reed When she moved from the retail business into real estate sales, Debbie brought her
customer service skills with her. They have served her well as is evidenced by the many, many
Founder of The Debbie Reed Team and awards she has won – most recently the RE/MAX Circle of Legends Award. For Debbie’s other
awards, please visit our newly redesigned website and click on our achievements page at www.
Team Leader
Further evidence of Debbie’s service skills is the ever-increasing number of satisfied
Debbie has been a REALTOR® since 1986. Before clients she has had the pleasure to assist. For personal comments from some of her many special
that she was involved in buying building lots clients, please refer to our customer testimonials page on our website.
and selling completed homes, as a partner to her
husband’s building business. Debbie has had the From the start of her career in real estate, Debbie has excelled in marketing and Above the Crowd®
pleasure of reselling many of the homes they built service. This has been augmented with the development and expansion of her team. Starting with
and seeing so many different families enjoy them.
one assistant in 1992, Debbie now has multiple team members working for her in various areas of
Debbie was born and raised in Wilmington,
Delaware where her father owned the “Bartley When she moved from the retail business into real estate sales, Debbie brought her
Pharmacy”. Debbie has been a resident of customer service skills with her. They have served her well as is evidenced by the many, many
Rehoboth Beach for over 40 years and loves this
area. Before getting into real estate full time, Debbie owned a women’s clothing store, “Three awards she has won – most recently the RE/MAX Circle of Legends Award. For Debbie’s other
awards, please visit our newly redesigned website and click on our achievements page at www.
Seasons,” located on the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach.