Page 44 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 44
Philosophy and Political Issues
Philosophy and Political Issues
Виђење невидљивог суочавање са стварношћу by Bishop Maxim Vasiljević
What events have marked the modern world and modern society? How is everything that has been happening lately related to the basic postulates of the faith? Despite all adversity and temptation, does humanity today have the strength to find in itself the spark of genuine compassion, philanthropy, deep empathy, and Christian values? The author thoughtfully, clearly, and with inspiration connects Christian wisdom with today‘s time, behavior, culture, and art.
134 pages, soft bound, published in 2020 price $20
Healing the World from Evil: Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Proclus
by Dionisios Skliris
Could Greek philosophers—Plato, Aristo- tle, Plotinus, Proclus—be considered as guardians and schoolmasters (παιδαγ- ωγός) that brought humanity to Christ in a way similar to the Law of the Old Testament according to Saint Paul (Gal. 3,24)? Τhe philosophical project of Platonism had five fundamental tenets, namely monism, transcendence, participation (μέθεξις, με- τοχή), ethics of purification (κάθαρσις) and a relevant notion of evil as non-being. Dr. Dionysios Skliris is both theologian and philosopher, and he sees that all of these philosophical demands were realized in the theology of the Fathers in the most radical way, yet “in another form” (Mark 16,12). After Christ, transcendence means that God is uncreated and creates a contingent world out of free love.
128 pages, soft bound, published in 2021 price $20