Page 54 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 54

Iconography and Art Series
Iconography and Art Series
The Dynamic Earth
Stamatis Skliris’ Vision of the Past, Present, and Future of American Natural Treasures
This Catalogue is a result of an Exhibit of Stamatis’ Paintings in Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, from August 30th – September 1st, 2013 and in which Fr. Skliris, inspired by the painting of the National Parks of America, speaks about the changing na- ture of forms. The Catalogue contains 20 paintings. Stamatis is among those unique people who view the landscape in a differ- ent way, who are able to see what hides be- hind the hill, or behind the wall. They are able to enter into and to experience rocks and water from within, through their sens- es, and to see the light in the middle of darkness. Let us call them “The Only True Landscape Painters.”
A Mirror to a Form
Outside Oneself
A Patristic-Historical Study on Iconicity —from the Cappadocians to St. Theodore Stoudite
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Патристичко-историјска студија о иконичности – од Св. Кападокијаца до Св. Теодора Студита
by Bishop Maxim Vasiljević
This collection of studies on icon and ico- nicity covers four areas. In the first part are presented some important aspects of the theology of icon in the writings of Sts Gregory the Theologian, Maximus the Confessor, John Damascene, Theodore Stoudite, Necephorus of Constantinople etc. An examination of eschatology and iconology is the subject of the second part of the book (symbol, time, futurity, etc.) The third part deals with issues such as or- der and organization of the Church, phil- anthropic endeavor and modern icon. The last part in the form of a conclusion tackles some modern problems in the realm of “digital icononicity”.
In Serbian
160 pages, softbound, published in 2016 price $15
12 pages, softbound, published in 2013 price $10

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