Page 55 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 55
Iconography and Art Series
Iconography and Art Series
The Fingers of the Wind 2018
Stamatis Skliris’ Vision of the Past, Present, and Future of Human Face and Nature
The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America is pleased to announce the publi- cation of a beautiful wire-bound, full-col- or, 2018 Calendar Notebook. It is aborned with beautiful icons and a wide variety of sketches by the hand of Fr. Stanatis Skliris. The book is perfect for both young and old. If you are interested in sketching, this book provides many wonderful examples for you to use.
Fingers of the Wind is FREE with the pur- chase of one set of our Prologue of Ohrid by Bishop Velimirovich.
price $10
Paradox, Revelation,
and Surprise
Bishop Maxim’s Personal Testimony
to the Art of Painting, Los Angeles 2021.
Bishop Maxim has found remarkable and creative ways of relating Byzantine art to the culture of our times. The manner in which he places the expressive characters in their relative immobility reveals their internal movement, like in The Brothers Karamazov. The original attitude and di- rection of the details of the physiognomy of the characters from the latest works of Bishop Maxim give a particular breath and stand out from his previous works. He is careful not to overextend his colors, which would weaken the drawing line, which speaks for itself and is recognizable from a distance.
20 pages, softbound, published in 2021 price $10