Page 64 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 64
National History
Ecumenical Insights
The Marble Tombs that Rise on
Saint Sava Cemetery in Jackson, California
by Dragana Mašić
Honoring the history of the oldest Serbian cemetery in America, the author of this book made an effort to photograph and catalog all tombstones and to create a unique new photo archive with a registrar of each individual buried in the cemetery. The main guiding post for Dragana was the plot map of the cemetery produced in 1983. This map over the years has seen many changes and new additions. Tomb- stones indicate that the greatest number of people came from Herzegovina, Crna Gora and Boka, and from this observation came their idea that there should also be a geographical registry, in addition to an in- dex with last names and first names of the buried that were recorded. The website, es- has the results of Dragana’s work.
456 pages, hardbound, published in 2020 price $80
Notes on Ecumenism
by St. Abba Justin Popovich
edited by Bishop Athanasius Yevtich
Abba Justin’s manuscript legacy includes a parcel of sheets/small sheets of paper (in the 1⁄4 A4 size) with the notes on ecumen- ism. It is easy to perceive that Father Justin while criticizing western type of ecumen- ism rejects neither the very notion of ecu- menism nor the term itself, but rather ren- ders it orthodox, churchifies, christifies, theohumanizes it, and instead of false, bare humanistic [ecumenism], puts forward Orthodox, evangelical, Theanthropic Ecu- menism, wherein Christ in the Church, and in the Unity and Catholicity (sobor- nost) of the Orthodox Church, is in the center of all and everything. The editor of the book presents the Notes authentically, as they are found in the manuscripts. The real Justin is present in these Notes: by his original language, style, literature, polem- ics, philosophy, theology, and above all by his confession of the God-man Christ and His Church.
56 pages, softbound, published in 2013 price $7