Page 65 - SP Catalog 2022
P. 65
Ecumenical Insights
Fiction Series
Saint Luke of Crimea
and Albert Schweitzer Bringing Together Two Great Men by George Papageorgiou
Alyina Vorobeyeva’s Confession
by Dragan Mijailović
The chief female character of the book goes through both physical and emotional pain, living the loneliness as a disease of our age. Alyina’s Confessions show us that life presents us with surprises and places us in situations that not even the best film director could think up. The Confessions are presenting readers with questions of romantic and parental love, how love em- powers, excites, and bonds. Alyina realizes that her sin is result of her weakness and at this point the reader begins to sympathize with her. Marko understood and loved Aly- ina, with all her imperfections. He knew she was extraordinary, and that in the end, they would always be together. The book also points out that we are loved by God and therefore we exist: God knows our in- ner struggles, but because He made each one of us special He will never leave us.
200 pages softbound, published in 2017 price $20
Saint Luke and Albert Schweitzer are two great figures who marked the 20thcentury with their presence. One of them exposed himself to illnesses and had a hard life working in the tropics, while the other worked in the freezing cold of Siberia, fac- ing endless exiles and prison due to a to- tally atheistic regime. They both practiced medicine without anything to gain, either using modern means whenever possible, or using basic and quite primitive means whenever it was necessary. The combina- tion of their Christian faith and medical knowledge revealed another form of love for people through their work. Although they belong to different worlds, they are united by the love they had for less fortu- nate people and by their eagerness to help others in need.
276 pages, softbound, published in 2017 price $30