Page 498 - Kosovo Metohija Heritage
P. 498

Milan ivanović and Dragan jovanović
GORNJI MAKREŠ (Gnjilane): remnants of an old settlement and old graveyard on the site called Grobljište.
GORNJI OBILIĆ (Srbica): acccording to a 17th-century trav- el account and folk tradition, the monastery of St. George was situated in the vicinity of the village; next to the village, there is an old cemetery.
GORNJI PETRIČ (Klina): remnants of an ancient church in the graveyard (where according to tradition, was the monas- tery of St. john the Baptist) and the ruins of the medieval town of Petrič, on the his above the village.
GORNJI STRMAC (between Kolašin upon the ibar and Dre- nica): old graveyard church (restored in recent times) in the hamlet of Perkovac, and the old Serbian cemetery in the ham- let of Rusce.
GORNJI STRMAC (Srbica): restored old church and an old graveyard.
GORNJI SUVI DO (K. Mitrovica): small church and an old graveyard.
GOROŽUP (Prizren): until recent times, the microroponym of the old Serbian cemetery was preserved.
GOTOVUŠA (Uroševac): 1. church of St. Nicholas with 16th- century frescos; 2. old church of the Dormition of the Mother of God (restored in 1886); 3. traces of an old church in the vi- cinity of the ancient fortress of Zidovica.
GRABAC (Klina): remnants of the church of the Holy Trinity and an old graveyard.
GRABANICA (Klina): the surviving name of the old Serbian cemetery.
GRABOVAC (K. Mitrovica): old graveyard and the ruins of a former church.
GRACE (Vučitrn): old graveyard and the ruins of a former church were situated in Ljigate, near the river Lab. GRAČANICA (Priština): 1. Gračanica monastery; 2. medi- eval hermitage of St. Luke near the Kiznički stream; 3. monu- ment to the Serbian soldiers fallen in the wars of 1912–1918; 4. Gladnice, an early Slavic necropolis from the 6th–7th c. GRADICA (Glogovac): according to 15th-century Turkish cen- sus, a church existed there.
GRADJENIK (Kriva Reka near Novo Brdo): remnants of de- molished church on the site called Selište and in the Kalu- djerica mahala.
GRAMOČEL (in the Middle ages Grmočel, Dečane): foun- dations of an old church with the remnants of medieval bricks and frescos (the census of 1455 makes mention of a village priest) in the present-day Catholic cemetery.
GRANIČANE (Leposavić): 1. remnants of an old church in the village graveyard, 2. church erected around 1860 in the old graveyard, razed to the ground in 1876.
GRAŽDANIK (in the Middle ages Ogradjenik, Prizren): in the 14th c., the church of St. Pantaleemon stood on the hill near the village demolished in the 16th c. by Suzi Celebija a converted Turk from Prizren, who erecred a palace on its site. GRČINA, GRČIN (Djakovica): according to tradition, the village had five churches.
GREBNIK (Klina) 1. ruins of the Church of St. jeremiah and an old graveyard on the site called Kučine, where an old set- tlement was situated; 2. old cemetery, on the hill west of the village; 3. church erected in 1920 on the site of a former reli- gious building (dedicated to St. athanasius?).
GREBNO (Uroševac): at the end of the 19th c. and the begin- ning of the 20th c., the ruins of two churches stood in the vil- lage, and above the village was the church called Manastir (Monastery).
GREKOVCE (in the Middle ages Grehovac, Suva Reka): ru- ins of an old church.
GRIZIME (in the Middle ages Grizimjeh, Kriva Reka near Novo Brdo) traces of an old settlement; according to tradi- tion, an old church was situated on the present-day locality called Crkvište (ruins of a church).
GRKAJE (Leposavić): univestigated remnants of an old church. GRMOVO (Vitina): a church existed in the village (priest men- tioned in the Turkish census of 1455).
GRNČAR (Vitina): 1. village church of St. Nicholas construct- ed on the foundations of an old in all likelihood monastic church; 2. ruins of the church of St. Paraskeve, above the vil- lage; 3. ruins of an old fortress, called Staro Gradište or Kaleja, above the village; 4. shrine from the pagan epoch and late an- tiquity, and, as it appears, a Christian cell—hermitage, in the cave above the village.
GULIJE (Leposavić): small village church, south-east of the village.
GUMNIŠTE (Vučitrn): ruins of rwo churches, in the maha- las of Zekej and Memetej, an old cemetery situated on the site called Ulica.
GUNCATE (Mališevo): in the mid-19th c., remnants of a for- mer church and of an old graveyard still existed.
GUŠICA (Vitina): old church with a graveyard formerly ex- isted.
HOČA ZAGRADSKA (in the Middle ages Hodča beneath Cviljen Prizren): 1. remnants of the church of St. Nicholas (mentioned in notes from the 16th and 17th c.) recorded in the 19th c.
HRTICA (in the Middle ages Rtica, Podujevo): remnants of the church of St. Cyrill and Methodius, with an old graveyard, in Donja Hrtica.
IBARSKO POSTENJE (Leposavić): remnants of a church on the his called Crkvine (ruins of a church).
IGLAREVO (Klina): old church (a village priest mentioned in the 15th c.) and a graveyard existed.
IŠTINIĆ (Dečane): 1. monastery of St. Simeon, mentioned in 1485, 2. ruins of the church of St. elijah, registered in the 19th c.; 3. so-called “Obaljena” (“Pulled down”) church, mentioned in the 19th c.; 4. in the first half of the 20th c., old Serbian tomb- stones could still be seen in the present-day albanian ceme- tery.
ISTOK: 1. remnants of an ancient church, in the old grave- yard, on the site called Crkvine (ruins of a church); 2. church of St. Peter and Paul, erected in 1929; 3. Gorioč monastery with the old church of St. Nicholas (according to tradition, dating from the 14th c., repeatedly restored).
IVAJA (in the Middle ages ivanje, Kačanik): ruins of a church (of St. Demetrius?), on the site called Crkva (Church).
IZBICE (Srbica): the church of the ascention in “isbinac” known from historical sources, probably located in the vicin- ity of the village.

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