P. 306

Palabras Confinadas


                                                      Mariana Rueda

                               In this quarantine I discovered new things about me.

                               First of all, I now know that for me it’s not difficult
                               to  be  at  home,  it’s  like  a  natural  thing  for  me
                               because I’ve always been an indoor person and very

                               introvert, so my house is the place  that I love  the
                               most and I am not stressed about not being able to

                               go out.

                               On the other hand, I realized that I am not good at

                               the  coexistence  with  another  people  if  I  spend  so
                               much  time  with  them.  Some  days  I  could  be  very

                               happy to spend every minute at their side and other
                               days  I  only  want  to  be  completely  alone,  and  in
                               some  cases,  the  presence  of  people  could  be
                               annoying for me. Off course, that is a problem that

                               I’m trying to overcome with the help of the closest
                               members of my family.

                               In  conclusion,  in  this  new  space,  it’s  a  form  to
                               transform  and  to  get  better,  it’s  a  new  space  to

                               open our minds, learn new things, and being able to
                               reinvent ourselves. I know that for most people, this

                               time of no social life at all, is like a terrible thing that
                               really affect them psychologically, but for me it’s like
                               my  most  productive  time  ever  and  it’s  awesome,

                               how  I  am  in  control  of  my  time,  how  much  I  can
                               read, how I can improve my Instagram account and
                               more. The possibilities are infinitive.

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