P. 307

Sueña y escribe

                                           MY LIFE AND ITS PROBLEMS

                                               DURING QUARANTINE
                                                Maria Paula Rugeles

                            This quarantine has been, somehow, a difficult way
                            of  learning  for  some  people.  Some  people  have
                            found it difficult, like me, I miss everything, I miss

                            going  to  school,  I  miss  spending  time  with  my
                            friends, I miss Oscar (my boyfriend).

                            But  the  truth  is  that  I  have  learned  to  organize
                            myself  better,  now  I  have  a  routine  because  it  is

                            easier to start your day when you have everything
                            organized.  At  the  beginning  of  all  of  this,  this

                            quarantine made some things very difficult for me
                            regarding to organization and scheduling classes and
                            stuff  like  that.  I  also  had  a  little  difficulty  with
                            technology but, little by little, I learned more about

                            this new way of learning.

                            Thanks  to  some  classmates,  I  could  learn  more
                            about  technology  and  now  I  feel  better  about
                            handling it, so practicing is no longer difficult for me

                            as it used to be, and I will not lie, but I do not like
                            this  way  at  all.  I  want  everything  to  go  back  to

                            normal, I wish none of this had happened, because I
                            really  miss  everything  I  used  to  do  before  this
                            happened. I can’t wait for the time when everything

                            (confinement)  comes  to  an  end  and  I  can  meet
                            everyone again, I hope to see you all soon.

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