P. 53
A Solution for Quito
Quito should provide more bicycles as a public transport for all. First,
Quito has much traffic (from north to South) and much air pollution.
People could buy bicycles to travel anywhere, If people drive less , the
pollution will decrease. [This activity will be better for people's health,
especially for people who live near the highways and in the busy streets
where the Ecovia, Trole, buses, because these places are the one that cause
have the most environmental contamination]. Second, if there are bicycles
to travel around the city, life will be a bit healthier for people. People
should exercise and breathe more pure, clean air and reduce environmental
pollution. [Many people, who work in minimum wage jobs find it difficult
to survive in today´s economy. The cost of the rent, clothing, medicine,
food and other necessities is high]. Mobilize by bicycle is free , It is faster
than public transport and keeps the city clean with smoke .Quito , is located
in the north of the country, offers “Ciclopaseo” It is a free event and it's
done every Sunday of the month, this event helps to reduce the
environmental pollution , emitted by the gas of the car .