Page 20 - Essilor Experts January 2017 Update PC
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                                 ESSILOR EXPERTS NSM 2017 TRAINING
                                                   Q&A FOLLOW-UP

                                                      January 2017


                   •   Q. In terms of how the 80% compliant number for lab work goes, is this calculated as a fixed
                       number for each month or calculated based on 80% of jobs in each given month that the
                       dashboard captures?
                         A. The dashboard updates monthly after close.  In the summary section, lab compliance
                             is calculated by adding up all eligible jobs for the latest closed 3 months and dividing it
                             into the total Rx and Stock jobs that were sent to Essilor labs for the latest 3 months.

                   •   Q.How does the Compliance Dashboard know what % of the ECP's jobs we receive? Is this
                       based off customer size in Salesforce?
                         A. We are aggregating actual jobs processed at base labs, partner labs, Nova, and Nassau by
                             a location ID that consolidates all the ECP's account numbers.

                                      ESSILOR EXPERTS™ DASHBOARD

                   •   Q. Can we get an updated list of practice management systems that are connected
                       with the dashboard?
                         A. The following list covers the PM Systems that are currently connected with the Essilor
                             Experts™ Dashboard:
                             OfficeMate - 10.0 and above
                             CrystalPM - 4.x
                             My Vision Express - 10.0 and above
                             Revolution EHR - All Versions
                             Compulink - 10.0 and above

                   •   Q. Please send out the new version of the dashboard "bubble" explanations.
                         A. We will send out updated support materials within the next few weeks.  Updates can be
                             found at the following locations:
                             Essilor Experts Support Materials folder( click here) that is on your Surface desktop
                             The Essilor Sales Training  and Education Google  Site (formerly known as Lab Sales
                               Education )

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