Page 7 - Livro_BSAT_VF
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short-term education planning, and conducting ongoing quality as-
Coronel Mohammad Qasim ‘’Jamal’’ sessment of education activities. With officers, non commission of-
Comandante da Combat Arms School ficers and soldiers.
Undoubtedly, the presences of international forces for of more than
one and half decades have great achievements specially in the
In the current situation of the country, the security forces, espe- strengthening of the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces.
cially the ANA, have a great responsibility to defend and protect the Fortunately, the Combat Arms School have been got group of Advi-
country's territorial integrity, national sovereignty and high national sors from friendly country Portugal who have been with us for
values. improving of the training and education of students and advising
That education is an essential part of upgrading the preparedness the staff of our school. For the CAS Commander Advisor (LtCol
of ANA units. The training plan should be prepared based on the Carlos Prata) , Training Advisor (Maj. Joao Capitulino) the G1 Advi-
priorities of warfare, weapons and equipment maintenance a, and sor (Cpt. Pedro Ferreira) the G3 Advisor (Cpt. Cristóvão Fernandes)
extra efforts will be made to implement it. the G4 Advisor (Cpt. Valter Henriques) the CAS NCO Advisor (MSG.
Manuel Agostinho and SFC Simão Correia) and Signal Advisor (SFC
To enhance the skills and capability of personnel and strengthen of Vitor Santos) who have not hesitated in any endeavor and have co-
the army for consolidate sovereignty of state and to ensure peace operated with us shoulder to shoulder, and they have truthfully and
and stability so, we can enhance the professional capabilities of successfully complete their mission and the Head quarter of Com-
our personnel in fulfilling our duties and relying on all kinds of cir- bat Arms School are thankful and appreciate it.
Dear Portuguese colleagues!
The Combat Arms formed up from the cohesion and merging of In-
fantry School, Artillery School and Collective Training Center under The Combat Arms School Staff will never forget your tireless ef-
the Basic Training and Professional Capabilities Directorate of the forts, perseverance, and hard work. And we hope in the future, you
Unified Training, Education and Doctrine Command. The CAS is a will continue your passionate work in this school.
military training center for Officers, NCOs and Soldiers of the ANA
and is committed to adhering to the guidelines, directives and poli-
cies of the Honorable Ministry of Defense, Chief of Army Staff, Edu-
cation and Training Directorate and UTEDC, arranging and adapting
to new NATO principles and training, as well as long-term and