Page 11 - SNIRAQ Catalogue
P. 11


Equipment fitted with the popular IEC type input power connector    CONTROL PANEL COVER
can now be secured using the IEC lockout. This device will fit
most computers, test instruments, power supplies, monitors, lab     This ‘Big Red Bag’ entirely envelops the control panel of machinery
equipment etc.                                                      and equipment, and is highly visible.
                                                                    The cover slides over the control panel, from the top, bottom, left or
The IEC lockout features an elastomeric nose that bulges to firmly  right. The neck of the cover is closed by the toggle cord, and finally
grip to the interior surfaces of the connector housing.             the lockout device is tightened and padlock secured.
This palm-sized, lightweight, simple device is made of durable
nylon that accommodates a personal padlock for lockout and
security applications.

	 Code  Description                                                 	 Code    Description
	 IEC   IEC lockout                                                 	 BIGRED  ‘Big Red Bag’ control panel cover

PUSH BUTTON                                                         METAL PUSH BUTTON LOCKOUT COVER                                         SPONCEKUEMT,ATPILCULGOACNKDOUCTONTROLS LOCKOUT
                                                                    Designed to fit over push
Designed to fit over push button                                    button switches to give a
switches to prevent accidental                                      robust solution to prevent
operation. Overall 2”(50mm)                                         accidental operation.
dia. with 11/16”(30mm) dia.                                         The device can remain
hole. Secured with padlock -                                        attached and ready for use
max. shackle dia. 9/32”(7mm).                                       when needed without the
                                                                    risk of mechanical damage
Strong double sided securing                                        when not in operation.
tape included.                                                      The device fits over a
                                                                    11/16”(30mm) dia. Button
                                                                    and is secured with either
                                                                    supplied high impact self-adhesive
                                                                    tape or the small screws.
                                                                    When closed it is secured by
                                                                    a padlock shackle
                                                                    up to 3/8”(10mm) dia.

                                  	 Code  Description               	 Code    Description
                                                                    	 MPB1    Metal Push Button Lockout Cover
                                  	 SCO100 Push button cover

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