Page 2 - wepower 2019
P. 2
Greetings from the
Founder and Chair
of WePower
Mrs. Michal Yudin
Dear Friends, to join our organization and its
The shaping of Israel as a activities to make a difference.
democratic state requires our Join our network; support the
focus on the formulation of a women who have decided to
civil, egalitarian and just society. lead and together we will build
The right to gender equality and a great future for generations to
the removal of all restrictions come. Ultimately, those who are
and difficulties standing in the elected will influence. We women
way of women who strive for decide who we vote for and who
political and public leadership, will take control of the important
calls for our recruitment to help decisions that will affect our
promote excellent and worthy lives, the lives of our families,
women’s leadership in Israel. our local municipalities and the
We at WePower believe that Knesset.
only with the participation of Support the women so that they
many women (51.4% - as in our can represent you and let’s lead
society) who possess leadership and influence.
qualities, can we affect and
change the public agenda and Best wishes,
the allocation of resources, thus Michal Yudin
leading to skillful justice and to Chairwoman WEPOWER
honest and skillful leadership
which we aspire for. I urge you