Page 4 - wepower 2019
P. 4

A Word from Our
Executive Director

My name is Mazal Shaul, Dr.                   making positions, especially
Mazal Shaul.                                  key positions in the public and
For over 20 years, I worked in                political arenas. I immediately
senior positions in the Chemical              became a gatekeeper and activist
and Medical Industries in                     for gender equality. Today, I
Israel. As deputy director of                 understand the importance of
manufacturing and development                 my position as a model for other
in those fields, I never experienced          women, and I work to narrow the
gender discrimination.                        gender gap in my city, Azor, in the
I always served in senior                     center of Israel.
positions, lead and could stand               I am extremely proud to lead
for my rights.                                WePower, 20% of whose
I grew up in an “equal home”,                 graduates reached key positions,
where my mother developed a                   run for and serve as Council
career as a senior nurse and                  Members, Heads of Authorities
was my true role model. It was                and even Members of the Israeli
my father who spent hours with                Parliament.
the children after school, and                For about two decades, WePower
attended teachers’ conferences.               has been training women and
In due time, I also built an “equal           advancing laws for gender
home” of my own.                              equality in the public and
And in the same spirit and way,               political arenas. We will continue
I work today in my third term                 to lead and speed up change in
as a Council Member in my                     the coming years for women
community. While fulfilling my                and girls, with resolution and
duties as a Council Member                    persistence until we reach our
i n m y L o c a l C o u n c i l , I fi r s t  goals, because gender equality
didn’t give particular attention              is morally correct, and because
or importance to the fact that                it is essential for a democratic
I am one woman among ten                      society that all women’s voices
fellow men. Only when I took                  will be heard where decisions
office as WePower’s Executive                 are actually made.
Director did I fully comprehend
the depth of the gender gap
in Israel and the lack of equal
representation in decision-

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