Page 9 - wepower 2019
P. 9
Raising Awareness: Locating, Training
and Networking:
WePower holds conferences to
increase awareness to the gender WePower concluded that women
gap across the country, and is feel they need the know-how
planning to have “Equal City” tools prior to entering the
conferences at Local Authorities political arena. Therefore,
in the future. WePower released WePower conducts training
promotion films targeted to for potential women leaders
increase awareness about
gender inequality, and appealed throughout the country.
to the High Court in connection
with the Ultra- Orthodox policy, Legislation:
which prevents the inclusion of
women candidates in their lists. WePower promotes legislation,
In 2018, WePower headed an submits opinions in legislative
Israeli coalition of over 25 NGOs processes, attends Parliament
(“Local 2018”), with the goal of hearings regularly and
raising awareness to the need to monitors governmental decisions
increase women representation and public commissions, which
in the local government towards seek to reduce the gender gap
the Israeli municipal elections, around decision-making tables.
held October, 2018. On January,
2019, WePower was chosen
again, to head a National Coalition
(“National 2019”) to increase
awareness to, encourage and
help women candidates for the
national elections of April, 2019.