Page 11 - WePower 2018
P. 11
The College for site headquarters, including all
Politics preparations for home meeting
campaigns and activity. The two
The program for women’s political unique features of the program are:
training will provide tools and (1) providing a wide-range toolbox -
specific skills to prepare women for knowledge plus practical experience,
competing in municipal elections in in all facets of the elections; and (2)
2018 and future Knesset elections. ongoing support through a weekly
This program is for council members meeting, in order to ensure progress
interested in re-election or being as programmed, and successful
elected mayor, for women interested dealing with and resolution of all
in entering the local political arena challenges along the way.
for the first time, and for women At the end of the program, the
interested in running for various candidate will be fully capable of
public positions. The program was running independently and, most
inaugurated before the 2013 elections, importantly, win the elections.
and about 60% of its participants ran
for elections. The program is based Joint Leadership
on WePower’s on familiarity with the Training Program
needs and challenges facing women for Arab and Jewish
interested in competing in the coming Women
elections, with expert professionals
who supply training on various topics. In order to influence the public sector,
common to both Jews and Arabs in
the kick-off Line for Israel, mixed women’s groups should
candidates Running form a meaningful basis for personal,
for Local Elections social, and public acquaintance. This
program is for active women with
The Kick-Off Line for Candidates proven experience and achievement
Running for Local Elections in public / political leadership and
A specialized 12-session program provides effective generic tools for
in which we help each candidate cooperative work. At the conclusion of
build a strategy, create her the program the participants organize
elections campaign, and plan both and produce a conference on a topic
her elections day and her on- of their choice.