Page 10 - WePower 2017
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Special 2016-17 Programs
“Atidot” program The “Advanced
WePower operates the “Atidot” Training” program
program in partnership with the Office
For The Development of the Negev WePower, in partnership with Bar-
and in cooperation with The Sapir Ilan University’s Center of Continuing
College. The two semesters’ program Education, operates ”The advanced
for young women from the Negev area Management Training program” for
aims to reduce the ‘maturing’ period women in the Public and Political
of the young women towards political sector. This unique program is an
participation and their integration into advanced module of WePower’s
public activity and local government College program and lectures given
at an early stage of their career, as a to its participants by prime experts in
possible basis for future involvement management, finance, legal and
in national politics, as members of the public issues.
The “Follow on
This program is designed for
graduates of WePower’s “Women for
future leadership” programs. It allows
participants to consult with each other
and share leadership dilemmas and
tools in order to narrow the gender
gap in their municipalities.