Page 9 - WePower 2017
P. 9


Raising awareness:

WePower holds conferences to      WePower conducts training for
increase awareness to the gender  these potential women leaders
gap across the country, and is    throughout the country.
planning to have “Equal City”
conferences at Local Authorities  The “Women for
in the future. WePower released   Future Leadership”
promotion films targeted to       program:
increase awareness to gender
inequality, and appealed to the   Is WePower’s ongoing flagship
High Court with regards the       program which has already
Ultra- Orthodox policy which      operated in more than 45
prevents the inclusion of women   locations around Israel. This
candidates in their lists.        program provides unique
                                  training, empowerment and
Providing training                leadership insight for local
tools for women:                  potential women leaders.

WePower has concluded
that women feel they need
the know-how tools prior to
entering the political arena.

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