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                                                                           By: Jessica Fernanda Vargas Cardoso.

        Starbucks  needs  Young                                                      I´m  16  years  old,  in  fact
        students         who       are                                               I´m  studying  the  first
        interested  in  a  part  time                                                year  of  high  school.  I
        job.  This  is  your  chance                                                 learn so fast so I can do

        to  make  some  extra                                                        whatever and i know that
        money,  get  experience                                                      a can do it great. I´m so
        and  continue  studying.               Hello!                                polite,     puntual        and
        Send us your application                                                     responsable  also  I´m
        form.  Tell  us  about  you,           My  name  is  Jessica                 good  at  taking  orders

        why  you  are  the  best               Vargas  and  I´m  looking             and  well  I  really  want to
        candidate  for  the  job,              for  a  part  time  job  while        have this job.
        mention  your  skills  and             I’m    studying.      I    got
        son  we  will  be  in  touch           interest  in  the  job  and
        with you.                              would  like  to  be  part  of         So  I  hope  you  consider
                                               your team.                            me  for  this  job.  Keep  in

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