Page 19 - magazine
P. 19
Mónica Osornio Pérez
By: Diana Lara Álvarez
Anette Judith Mata Mata
Rubén Alejandro López Pérez
1-How many years have 4-If you hadn’t been a
you been teaching in teacher, what would you
school? have done for a living?
16 years. Dancer, I like to dance, or
2-In which school did
you studied?
At the National Autonumus 5-What would you
University of Mexico and change from this high
fine arts. school to improv eyour
3-Why did you decide to
teach geography and not Many things, infrastructure,
another subject? take advantage of
materials, and more
Because I like this country
comfotable place.
and wanted to know more
about this physically and 6-Have you ever used an
geographically always English article in your
attracted me. class?
Yeah, once in while, a few