Page 256 - Maria Constantino "The Knot Handbook"
P. 256


     A                         cat's paw  174-75        fireman's chair knot  94-95
                               chain, simple  243       fireman's coil  30-31
     adjustable bend  206-7    chain-stitch lashing  236-37   fisherman's bend  158-59
     Alpine coil  12, 26-27    Chinese button knot  224-25   fisherman's knot  22, 200-1
     angler's loop  54-55      Chinese lanyard  knot  220-23   Flemish bend  194-95
     arbor knot  72-73        clove hitch, tied in a bight  170-71   free  end  6
                              clove hitch, tied with a working end  168   frost  knot  71
                              constrictor knot, tied in the bight
     B                           116-17
                              constrictor knot, tied in the end  118-19  G

     bend  7,22, 179          continuous ring-hitching  242
     bight  21                cord  9                   good-luck knot  216-19
     binding knot  7, 23, 99   cordage  9               granny knot  104-5
     blood loop dropper knot  74-75   cordage care  19   grief knot  109
     boa knot  120-21         cow hitch  140            ground-line hitch  172-73
     boom hitch  162-63       cow hitch with toggle  141
     bowline  56-57           crossing knot  133
     bowline, double  58-59   cutting cord  20          H
     bowline on a bight  64-65
     bowline, Portuguese, with splayed loops            half-hitch  22, 128, 132
       68-69                   E                        half-hitches, two  129, 130-31
     bowline, Spanish  66-6 7                           half-hitching  234-235
     bowline, triple  60-61   elbow  21                 halter hitch  152-53
     bowline, water  62-63    Englishman's loop  23, 53   handcuff knot  92-93
     bowline with stopper  70                           hangman's noose  96-97
     bowstring knot  79                                 heaving-line bend  190-91
     braided rope  16          F                        highwayman's hitch  150-51
     braid, four-strand  246-247                        hitch  7, 22, 127
     braid knot  244-45       farmer's loop  76-77      hunter's bend  196-97
                              figure-of-eight bend, double  204-5
     c                        figure-of-eight hitch, double  122-23   J
                              igure-of-eight knot  46-4 7
                              figure-of-eight loop  78
     Carrick bend  182-83     figure-of-eight loop, double  80-81   Jansik special  8, 144-45
     Carrick mat  230-31      figure-of-eight, slipped  48-49   jury mast knot  15, 226-27
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