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Newsletter                                                              2019

                                                 From the President

           It has been an interesting year so far, with the fire season extending into March.
           This is a reminder for all to be aware of area access restrictions due to the recent fires.
           If you’re planning a trip always check the status of fires in the areas you plan to enter.

           We have received an email from FWDV requesting volunteers to assist fire ravaged areas. If you are
           interested in volunteering please email me and let me know when you are available to assist, the
           area  you  would  like  to  assist  in,  the  skills/equipment  you  are  able  to  provide  and  your  email  and
           contact numbers. I will forward the information on FWDV so they are aware of the number of volun-
           teers available. As in the past I am sure FWDV will let us know of working bees to assist people in fire
           affected areas. If you know of anyone in these fire affected areas that require assistance, please let
           me know. If they are happy for our club to assist, we can organise working bees directly with them.

           I would like to thank all of those that assisted with the Hut to Hut organised by Steve Poulton and
           Dodgy. I have received three separate thank you emails from participants regarding the assistance
           provided  by  our  club.  This  included  requesting  the  clubs  banking  details  so  they  could  forward  a
           donation. At this time, I am not sure what to do with this, I think it would be a good idea to donate this
           money to those that have been affect by the recent fire events. John Toogood will discuss this with
           members during the March General Meeting.

           It sounds like Josh’s day trip went well. One of the tracks sounded like it was a bit challenging.
           From the feedback I’ve heard it sounds like it was a good day out for all.

           As  mentioned  at  last  months  meeting,  we  need  a  new  Trip  Coordinator.  This  is  one  of  the  most
           important positions in the club, so if you feel you can assist the club by filling this position, please see
           Graeme Geelan. While Graeme is around it would be the ideal time to ask what’s involve and learn
           the position.

           There plenty of trips coming up but there is still room for more. If you’d like to go to an area and you
           have not run a trip before please speak with Graeme and he will ensure one of the trip leaders is
           organised to assist you with your trip. If you know there are visitor on your trip please ensure you
           have a stock of visitor sheets and collect the correct insurance money from them. The visitor fee is
           $15 per adult. Sandi is having a lot of issues with the form not being completed correctly and I must
           admit I am one of the culprits. I have now have a stock of forms in my truck to ensure I am able to get
           the forms filled in correctly on the day the trip is run.

           There has been a lot of interest in the cooking weekend. I won’t be able to make it this year but I
           would like to thank everyone involved with organising the trip, I’m sure it will be as successful this
           year as it has been in the past.

           Due to work commitments I am not able to make this month’s general meeting so I have left you in
           the capable hands of John Toogood who will be standing in for me. I look forward to seeing you all at
           the next general meeting.
           Barry Tanner

           President YV 4x4 Club

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