P. 50


                  NAME: Evelyn  Larrea

                  DATE: 15-06-17

                                                    FINAL DRAFT

                  Migration  is  the  movement  of people from one pace to another place, so it was practiced

                  since  old  times.    But  the  most  common  are  for  education,  economic  problems  and
                  family  meeting.

                  One  cause  why  people  migrate  is  education.  People  migrate  to  develop  countries

                  especially  students  because  they  think  that  if  staying  in  a  good  university  on  another
                  country  is  a  good  decision,  so  they  could  have  more  opportunities  to  get  a  better  job.

                  They  could get a lot of money  and could  help their  family.

                  The  second  cause,  countries  are  going  to  migrate  through  crisis,  which  incite  that  people

                  have  to  migrate  to  USA,  Spain,  Italy,  places  the  salaries  are  better.  To  buy  products  in
                  low prices, so it is when  they realize  that life  can cost less I other places.

                  Another  cause  of  migration  is  when  people  migrate  to  meet  their  relatives.  An  example
                  is  when  parents  are  in  another  country  and  children  stay  in  Ecuador.  Parents work hard

                  to  save  money  to  take  their  children  with  them.  It  is  the  best  option  because  there  are

                  many  cases  when  parents  leave  their  children  alone  or  with  a  relative  and  children  have
                  suffer  abuses  such  as  sexual,  physical  and  psychological.  Some  of  them  are  part  of

                  gangs  and become addicts  to the alcohol  and drugs.

                  Why  people  migrate  to  different  parts  of  the  world.  Sometimes  migration  can  be  good
                  for  the  family  but  in  some  cases  can  be  bad  because  parents  do  not  think  in  the

                  dangerous  that their  children  can suffer  in  their  origin  country.

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