Page 14 - Cardiac Electrophysiology | A Modeling and Imaging Approach
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                                                                                Figure 2.3 shows these rate-
                                                                        dependent phenomena.       16,17,18,47,48,49
                                                                        Action potentials at different rates
                                                                        during steady-state pacing are shown
                                                                        in Panel A. As rate increases, APD

                                                                        progressively shortens (adaptation) and
                                                                        the action-potential notch becomes
                                                                        more shallow. Panel B shows the adap-
                                                                        tation curve (gray; APD vs pacing cycle

                                                                        length) and APD restitution curves
                                                                        (black; APD vs coupling interval) of
                                                                        premature action potentials that follow
                                                                        steady-state pacing at different rates

                                                                        (cycle length, C , varied from 0.3 sec
                                                                        to 2 sec). As C  decreases, restitution
                                                                        curves shift toward shorter APD.
                                                                        Accommodation is shown in Panel C;

                                                                        upon acceleration of pacing rate from
                                                                        cycle length of 1 sec to 0.5 sec (at time
                                                                        t=0), APD approaches its new (shorter)
                                                                        steady-state value over a time course of

                                                                        several minutes. Mechanistically, both
                                                                        the downward shift of restitution curves
                                                                        and the process of accommodation
                                                                        involve increased intracellular sodium

                                                                        concentration at fast rate, which
                                                                        augments outward repolarizing I     NaK
        Figure 2.3 Rate dependence of action potential                  (stoichiometry 3Na :2K ) to shorten APD.
        duration (APD). Model simulations are shown on the              I    plays an important role in this
        left and corresponding experiments      47-49  on the right. A.   Ca,L
        Steady state AP at CL=0.3, 0.5, 1 and 2 sec. B. APD             process. In response to increased Ca
        restitution and adaptation. The black (solid and dashed)        entry via I    at fast rates, forward-mode
        traces show restitution (APD as a function of the                          Ca,L
        coupling interval of an S2 stimulus following steady-           I NaCa  is augmented, leading to enhanced
        state pacing at CL ) for various rates of steady-state          Ca  efflux and Na  influx and Na
        pacing (CL  for each curve is provided in the figure). The      loading of the cell.
        gray trace is the APD adaptation curve, showing steady-
        state APD dependence on pacing rate (S2 coupling
        interval = CL  in this case). C. Accommodation of APD                   The ionic mechanism of rate-
        following a change of pacing rate from CL=1 sec to              dependent APD adaptation is species
        CL=0.5 sec. Adapted from Decker, et. al. [17] courtesy of
        The American Physiological Society.                             dependent. Figure 2.4 is a comparison
                                                                        of adaptation in the canine (left panels)
                                                                        and the guinea pig (right panels). The
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