Page 51 - Cardiac Electrophysiology | A Modeling and Imaging Approach
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               Figure 2.31 is a diagram depicting the excitatory cycle of an ion channel: (A) the channel

        awaits excitation in its closed conformation; (B) upon excitation the channel activates and opens,
        allowing passage of ions through its pore; (C) from the open configuration the channel can
        inactivate via the “hinged-lid” mechanism, where a portion of the protein (in the III-IV linker) plugs
        the open channel pore; (D) the cycle is completed through a recovery process during which the

        hinged-lid structure leaves the pore, allowing the channel to close and return to its rest state. Note
        that channels can also transition directly from open (B) to closed (A), a process called deactivation
        (not depicted in the diagram). In ΔKPQ mutant channels, there is a structural defect in the
        inactivation gate and channels may experience a transient failure of inactivation. This is shown

        schematically in (E) as failure of the hinged-lid structure to plug the channel pore. In addition,
        ΔKPQ mutant channels that inactivate recover faster than wild-type normal channels.

        Figure 2.31. The excitatory cycle of an ion channel and its alteration by the ∆KPQ deletion
        mutation of the Na+ channel, which causes transient failure of inactivation (E). Adapted from
        Rudy and Silva [10], with permission of Cambridge University Press.

               Figure 2.32 shows a Markov model of I  and the alteration of its gating by the ΔKPQ
        mutation. The mutant channel has two modes of gating, a “background mode” (upper tier) and a

        “burst mode” (lower tier). The background mode is of similar structure to the Markov model of
        the wild-type channel, except for altered transition rates that account for the faster activation and
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