Page 79 - Cardiac Electrophysiology | A Modeling and Imaging Approach
P. 79

P. 79
        intercellular coupling is reduced, the

        discontinuous nature of conduction is revealed
        in the electrogram. Because of the long delays
        at gap junctions, depolarizations of neighbor-

        ing cells are more separated in time, giving rise
        to distinct deflections in the electrogram

        Scaling and Higher Dimensionality. The

        principles of discontinuous conduction were
        established above for action potential
        propagation at the cellular (microscopic) scale.

        These principles can be scaled to structural
        discontinuities on a more global (macroscopic)
        scale. Each excitable element (a single cell in
        the microscopic simulations) can be
        considered to represent a tightly-coupled

        group of cells (fiber bundle) separated from            Figure 3.4. Relationship between the upstroke
        neighboring bundles by connective tissue,               of a propagating AP (V ) and extracellular
        except at discrete sites of coupling. Such              unipolar electrograms (ϕ ). A. Normal
        inhomogeneous substrate is characteristic               intercellular coupling. B. Coupling is reduced
                                                                by a factor of 50; 1 and 2 indicate irregularities
        of aging cardiac tissue and of infracted                in the electrogram waveform, reflecting
        myocardium. In reference to Figure 3.4,                 depolarization of individual cells. Adapted
        multi-deflection “fractionated” electrograms            from Rudy and Quan [180], with permission
                                                                from John Wiley and Sons.
        are indeed recorded in these settings.    185,191,192

               The principles and mechanisms of discontinuous conduction, established in 1-dimensional
        models, apply to higher (two and three) spatial dimensions as well. However, quantitative

        differences do exist because of different patterns of cell –to-cell connectivity. In a 1-dimensional
        strand (only longitudinal gap junctions are present at cell ends) with normal gap junction
        coupling, conduction delay across the gap junction equals conduction time across the entire cell
        and constitutes 50% of the total conduction time. The presence of lateral intercellular connections
        in higher dimensions was shown to reduce cell-to-cell delay to about 20% of total conduction time

        in tissue with normal gap junction coupling.     193

        Other Complexities. In most simulations of discontinuous conduction, the gap junctions are

        represented as purely conductive pathways, characterized by static resistance which does not
        vary during the passage of the action potential. Voltage clamp experiments in cell pairs revealed
        dynamic properties of the gap junction conductance. Simulations of conduction in presence of
        the gap junction dynamics showed that this property has a small effect, only when cells are
        partially uncoupled .
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