Page 25 - Young Latinos. A Generation of Change_Telemundo-BuzzFeed_Sept 2020-F
P. 25

Young Latinos: A Generation of Change


                     wundervisuals/E+/Getty Images

                     We call young Latinos the Generation of Change because of their conviction to secure

                     a place for themselves as central actors in the nation’s future. They are young and may
                     not yet be in positions of influence, but they aim to be, demonstrated by robust gains in
                     education, income and career. The majority believe they will cast the decisive vote in the

                     2020 elections, most likely in swing states like Florida and Arizona, as well as in populous
                     states like California and Texas. Many young Latinos are motivated to vote for social
                     justice issues like police reform and matters related to gaps in healthcare, education, fair
                     pay for women and reducing unemployment.

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