Page 15 - Microsoft Word - Contradictions _2013_.doc
P. 15
Believers today are sealed by the Holy Spirit at the
moment of salvation until the day of redemption. The Holy
Spirit will not leave us as it did King Saul. Just as the Lord
Jesus Christ issued different commands at different times,
the Holy Spirit interacts with men differently at different
times in history.
11. If we are going to make divisions in the Bible, what
principle should we use to make divisions?
We should believe every word of the Bible literally.
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is
of any private interpretation. (2Peter 1:20)
When God wrote the Bible, he said exactly what he meant
to say. The prohibition against private interpretation
instructs us to believe the Bible literally: to interpret the
verses according to the plain, everyday meaning of the
The most important principle for studying the Bible is
to ask the following question: TO WHOM IS THIS
the Bible is true, but not every word of the Bible is written
for us to apply today.
In the Bible, God has recorded information from before
the creation of the earth and continuing onward into
eternity future. During this vast period of time, God does
different things according to His eternal divine purposes.
While accomplishing His purposes, God gives different
instructions to different people at different times.