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Ijazah Kehormat - Pengurusan
Honorary Degree - Management
rofesor Tan Eng Chye dilantik sebagai rofessor Tan Eng Chye was appointed
Presiden di the National University of President of the National University of
Singapore (NUS) pada 1 Januari 2018. Singapore (NUS) on 1 January 2018. He
PBeliau merupakan presiden ke-5 bagi P is the University’s 5th president, and the
universiti tersebut dan pemimpin ke-23 yang 23rd leader to head Singapore’s oldest higher
mengetuai institusi pengajian tinggi tertua di education institution.
Prof Tan, who attended Raffles Institution
Prof Tan, telah mengikuti pengajian di Raffles (1974 to 1979), obtained his Bachelor in
Institution (1974 hingga 1979), memperoleh Mathematics (First Class Honours, 1985) at NUS
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Matematik (Kepujian Kelas and his PhD (1989) at Yale University. He joined
Pertama, 1985) di NUS dan Doktor Falsafah (1989) NUS as a faculty member in the Department of
di Universiti Yale. Beliau menyertai NUS sebagai Mathematics in 1985, as a Senior Tutor, and has
ahli fakulti di Jabatan Matematik pada tahun held visiting positions at various universities
1985 sebagai Tutor Kanan dan pernah memegang overseas such as the Rutgers University,
jawatan pelawat di pelbagai universiti di luar University of Washington at Seattle, University of
negara seperti Universiti Rutgers, Universiti California at Berkeley and University of Maryland,
Washington di Seattle, Universiti California di USA; Universities of Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan; as
Berkeley dan Universiti Maryland. , USA; Universiti well as the Hong Kong University of Science and
Tokyo dan Kyoto, Jepun; serta Universiti Sains dan Technology.
Teknologi Hong Kong.
Prof Tan’s research interests are in the
Kepakaran penyelidikan Prof Tan Eng Representation Theory of Lie Groups and Lie
Chye adalah dalam Theory of Lie Groups dan Algebras; and Invariant Theory and Algebraic
Lies Algebras serta dan Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics. He has been invited to speak
Combinatorics. Beliau telah dijemput untuk in numerous top conferences overseas, and
berucap dalam pelbagai persidangan terkemuka di has published more than 20 articles in top
luar negara dan telah menerbitkan lebih daripada internationally-refereed journals and conference
20 artikel dalam jurnal dan prosiding persidangan proceedings. He has co-authored three books on
terkemuka antarabangsa yang berwasit. Beliau mathematics, including a well-known graduate
merupakan pengarang bersama bagi tiga buah text on non-Abelian harmonic analysis.
buku mengenai matematik, termasuk teks
siswazah yang terkenal mengenai analisis
harmonik bukan Abel.