Page 73 - Istiadat Konvokesyen Universiti Malaya ke 63
P. 73

Sebagai pemimpin utama NUS, Prof Tan Eng    Prof Tan is a passionate and award-winning
               Chye ialah seorang pendidik yang bersemangat dan   educator. He was a pioneer architect of the
               sentiasa memenangi anugerah. Beliau merupakan   current academic system in NUS, and has seeded
               arkitek dan perintis kepada sistem akademik di   many initiatives such as the Special Programme
               NUS ketika ini dan telah membekalkan banyak   in Science, University Scholars Programme,
               inisiatif seperti Special Programme in Science,   University Town Residential College Programme,
               University Scholars Programme, University Town   Grade-free Year, and Technology-enhanced
               Residential College Programme, Grade-free Year,   Education. He was recognised with the University
               and Technology-enhanced Education. Beliau telah   Teaching Award for Innovative Teaching in 1998,
               diiktiraf dengan Anugerah Pengajaran Universiti   and was President of the Singapore Mathematical
               untuk Pengajaran Inovatif pada tahun 1998,   Society (2001 to 2005) as well as the South East
               dan merupakan Presiden Persatuan Matematik   Asian Mathematical Society (2004 to 2005).
               Singapura (2001 hingga 2005) serta Persatuan
               Matematik Asia Tenggara (2004 hingga 2005).     Prof Tan is on the boards of the Agency for
                                                           Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR);
                   Prof Tan juga merupakan ahli lembaga bagi   National Research Foundation (NRF); National
               Agency for Science, Technology and Research   University Health System (NUHS); NUS High
               (A*STAR); National Research Foundation (NRF);   School of Mathematics and Sciences; and the
               National University Health System (NUHS); NUS   University of Sharjah. He is a member of the
               High School of Mathematics and Sciences; and   Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)
               the University of Sharjah. Beliau adalah ahli the   Steering Committee and the immediate former
               Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)   chair of Universitas 21, a leading global network of
               Steering Committee dan bekas pengerusi      27 research-intensive universities. Prof Tan also
               Universitas 21, rangkaian global terkemuka bagi   sits on the International Advisory Council of the
               27 universiti berintensif tinggi dalam penyelidikan.   Southern University of Science and Technology
               Prof Tan juga menganggotai Majlis Penasihat   in China, and is an advisor with the think tank The
               Antarabangsa Universiti Sains dan Teknologi   Conference Board.
               Selatan di China, dan merupakan penasihat dengan
               badan pemikir The Conference Board.             Professor Tan Eng Chye played a direct role in
                                                           supporting the Universiti Malaya Transformation
                   Prof. Tan Eng Chye telah membantu Universiti   Plan. He established a partnership between NUS
               Malaya secara langsung dalam merealisasikan   and UM and among the efforts and initiatives
               Pelan Transformasi Universiti Malaya 2021 -2030.   implemented including expertise sharing sessions
               Beliau telah menjadikan NUS sebagai rakan   between UM and NUS, research collaboration
               kongsi UM dan antara usaha dan inisiatif yang   between the two universities by holding a
               dilaksanakan termasuklah sesi perkongsian   researcher exchange program dedicated to UM,
               kepakaran antara UM dan NUS, kolaborasi     global collaboration and building networks with
               penyelidikan antara dua universiti dengan   UM at the highest level. higher to drive the quality
               mengadakan program pertukaran penyelidik yang   of higher education.
               dikhususkan kepada UM, jalinan kerjasama global
               dan membina jaringan bersama UM di peringkat    In addition, he implemented various targeted
               yang lebih tinggi bagi memacu kualiti Pendidikan   initiatives to support researchers at UM, including
               tinggi.                                     the introduction of PhD Mobility and Scholarships
                                                           programs. A compelling scholarship opportunity
                   Beliau juga turut memperkenalkan beberapa   is extended to top candidates from the Universiti
               program khusus untuk membantu penyelidik UM   Malaya, enabling them to pursue their PhD studies
               melalui Mobiliti PhD dan Biasiswa. Penawaran   at NUS. This has created opportunities for
               biasiswa yang menarik juga turut disediakan   accomplished individuals to advance their higher
               bagi calon terbaik dari Universiti Malaya untuk   education journey while fostering cross-cultural
               mengikuti program PhD di NUS. Ini telah membuka   academic exchange.
               ruang baharu kepada individu berbakat untuk
               melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat lebih tinggi
               sambil mempromosikan pertukaran akademik
               silang budaya.

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