Page 26 - Mainstreamer Volume 1 Issue 2 Feb 2023
P. 26
Austism healthcare requires collaboration and The earlier identification is made, the better the
integrated services from several sectors, including development outcome would be. However, due
health promotion, treatment, rehabilitation to insufficient infrastructure, human resources,
services, education, employment, and social care. government policy and legislation, and financial
At the moment, the focus of healthcare programs assistance, it cannot be implemented properly in
is on children with autism. Southeast Asia. Also, many AMSs have a limited
number of therapists in public health clinics to
Overall, AMSs have taken the effort to provide provide early intervention.
education programs for autistic persons. Each
country has its different program and method. For Lack of understanding of early detection,
example, Brunei and Cambodia provide inclusive sensory issues, and home-based interventions by
education. Malaysia has developed a special parents or guardians can lead to serious problems
education program. The education program is for autistic people in later years. Additionally,
dependent on the country’s resources. growing female participation in the labor market,
“ complicate care demands for people with autism.
a globalized job market, and rising divorce rates
Students with autism often bring unique
Many autistic persons are
problems to schools, and teachers may struggle
demonstrating their competence in
a lack of competent teachers and autism-specific
a wide range of industries. However, to meet their needs effectively. Placement issues,
education programs and curriculum are among the
the major problem is that job challenges faced by autistic persons in Southeast
opportunities are not being made Asia. Most ASEAN countries provide educational
available to them.” services for autistic children in urban areas. There
are few autism-specific educational services in
rural areas.
Most of AMSs provide training programs
to prepare individuals with autism to enter Austism awareness has increased among
the workforce. Many autistic persons are parents of autistic children. However, raising public
demonstrating their competence in a wide range awareness of autism remains the main challenge
of industries. However, the major problem is that in Southeast Asian countries.
job opportunities are not being made available to Most Southeast Asian countries have an
them. employment policy for disabled persons, including
Service programs are critical in supporting autism. However, there are certain issues with the
persons with autism since they are unique in their implementation and execution of these policies
strengths, interests, and abilities. In ASEAN, social on the ground level, resulting in restricted job
services are based on financial assistance, such as opportunities for those with disabilities.
incentives and allowances. Some countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore,
Managing the affairs of persons with autism and the Philippines are making unprecedented
is a difficult task that requires a high level of efforts to remove barriers that exclude this group
commitment from policymakers. This is due not of individuals from public places and the facilities
only to a rise in the number of autism cases, but provided by governments, local communities,
also to questions and debates around how best and NGOs. A lack of treatment facilities, training
to provide appropriate and effective solutions. facilities, and government attention are some of
Overall, nine challenges have been proposed to the major problems that a family with a autistic
expand the opportunity for persons with autism to child faces.
be empowered. Reports from stakeholders in ASEAN countries
25 Vol. 01, Issue 2 | February 2023