Page 11 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 1, Issue 3 - August 2023
P. 11
The first public speaking
appearances of the author in
front of a large number of people,
delivering on the struggles and
lesson learnt to inspire the
crowd. (Photo by Nitcharee
keeping its relatability, no matter how often the live my life normally and there would be moments
story has been told. I think the most challenging where I have to speak up and raise awareness
part is to find new stories to tell and to inspire about it. As the only amputee employee there, I
others. Of course, everywhere I was invited to want to raise more awareness about issues that
speak, I might be telling a similar story, and the person with disabilities still face daily, hoping that
same story can be told for only a certain period my voice will lead towards equality.
of time.’ I further explain that the most important I believe that all people have different roles
aspects of being a motivational speaker are and abilities and they can use what they’re good
practising speaking or finding new stories to tell at to inspire others. They can be representatives
and living ‘the same as on stage’. If the way I live or leaders in various fields. Therefore, positive
my life is not the same as what I say, the listeners thinking will allow me to overcome all obstacles
won’t feel truly inspired. So, my job is to be my and pass on the inspiration to those around me.
positive self, make myself happy while harvesting
more experiences, so I can use those experiences The author contacted disability at the age of 14, but
to inspire more people or support others. Being despite her condition, she has always maintained her
positiveness and active lifestyle. Graduated with a
positive doesn’t mean you never have negative Bachelor Degree in Journalism and Mass-communication
thoughts or are overly optimistic. Sometimes, I at the Thammasat University, Thailand, she is passionate
call myself a positive-thinking girl and admit that about motivating people to live a positive life and
has actively engaged in delivering several speeches
sometimes I am bitter about life. I think it’s normal and motivational talks across the country. She is
for human beings to have both sides: positive and currently pursuing her Master Degree in Industrial and
Organizational Psychology at Chulalongkorn University,
negative. Personally, thinking positively comes a Thailand. At present, the author works on communication
lot easier than thinking negatively. There are many and campaigning for persons with disabilities in Thailand
times when I suddenly have negative thoughts, and continues her goal to motivate and inspire people to
live a positive life, and advocating for inclusive workplace
but I feel that any time I become positive, the for all.
negative thoughts will just come and disappear.
Apart from being a motivational speaker, I also
work full-time at a private hospital, focusing on
corporate communication, where I admit that I
experienced some prejudice at the beginning. If
I work with disabled people in an environment
where everyone understands each other, everyone
treats each other fairly. However, when I work in
a company that never deals with disabled people,
people forget about the dis because they think I
Vol. 01, Issue 3 | August 2023 10