Page 8 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 1, Issue 3 - August 2023
P. 8

           Law on Person with Disabilities: Humanity and Voice from Practice

                                                             Le Thi

               he Ordinance on Persons with Disabilities in   financial transactions. However, from the point of
               1998 and the Law on Persons with Disabilities  view of service users with special needs and based
          Tin 2010 have shown the inclusiveness and           on ensuring accessibility, banking products and
          humanity of the Vietnamese legal system in          services have not yet met the criteria of ensuring
          general and policymakers in particular. Inclusion   equal accessibility for PWDs. The commercial
          and humanity are demonstrated by recognising        banks’ infrastructure has very few places with
          the capabilities of persons with disabilities.      access to wheelchairs and does not meet the
          Persons with disabilities (PWDs) are protected      needs of persons with visual impairment when
          and empowered through laws and other policies       they have to cash out or in their accounts at
          promulgated by the National Assembly and the        ATMs, and ATMs are not suitable for persons
          government. The community and society feel most     with mobility impairments. This is the same
          deeply that PWDs have the right to access and       situation in Malaysia, according to Mainstreamer,
          integrate into society equally and comprehensively.  an e-magazine (volume 1st, published on 1 June
          These fundamental rights have been quite detailed  2022). So are the financial and banking service
          in the Law on Persons with Disabilities 2010 and    drawbacks considered violations of the law on
          Decree No. 28/2012/ND-CP detailing and guiding      PWDs? What is the mechanism and basis for
          the implementation of several articles of this law.  punishment if it is viewed as a violation? These
            Both documents clearly state that PWDs have       questions have not been explicitly mentioned in
          rights and that society is responsible for creating   the Law on Persons with Disabilities 2010 and
          favourable conditions for PWDs to access and        Decree No. 28/2012 of the government.
          participate in social life activities. However, the
          actual implementation has shown shortcomings
          that need to be soon amended and supplemented       “
          to make the law on PWDs complete and keep pace      In addition, the Law on Persons with
          with social changes.                                Disabilities also sets out a precise
            It can be affirmed that until now, most persons,
          agencies, and organisations do not have enough      roadmap so that construction
          understanding of the provisions of the law on       works such as offices of agencies
          PWDs. In other words, PWDs still have to face       and organisations must fully meet
          discrimination because society has not yet fully    accessible criteria for PWDs.
          grasped that the law on PWDs is prevalent.
          According to the author’s quick survey, most        However, since the Law on Persons
          visually impaired persons face many difficulties    with Disabilities was promulgated
          when opening a bank account. The reason given       10 years ago, there has been little
          by the banks is that visually impaired persons      progress in ensuring accessibility for
          have difficulty verifying the account with a
          handwritten signature. Another explanation given    PWDs in the construction sector.”
          by commercial banks is that people with vision
          impairment cannot ensure the security factors of

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