Page 5 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 1, Issue 3 - August 2023
P. 5


            ‘Good pm, ma’am, sorry for the late update        community with job applications. She contacted
            because we asked the regional office of           many different companies, factories, malls, and
            the LTO if the deaf can drive... the LTO said,    restaurants, but their response was always that it
            ma’am, that the deaf are not allowed to           is hard to communicate with deaf people and they
            drive, ma’am... sorry. For the late update.’ –    do not know how to care for equipment. The local
            LTO Personnel                                     government unit advised us to request this civil
            This was an example of an attitudinal barrier     service commission (CSC). If the deaf have passed
          in education. FSL is the natural language of        the CSC exam, then they will hire them—even in
          the Filipino deaf. But even the Department of       private and public offices.
          Education will not recognise that—even with the        There is also a lack of emergency signs and
          existence of five laws. That includes using FSL as   alarm at malls, cinemas, airports, ports, buses,
          the national language of the deaf and the medium    offices, and hotels. Haze stayed in hotels for
          of instruction, but the Department of Education is   meetings, seminars, and events. When she fell
          not doing so. They still insist on using Signing Exact   asleep and someone knocked on the door, she
          English and American Sign Language.                 could not hear that. She also cannot speak via
                                                              telephone. She had to go to the front desk to

          Haze’s Experiences With Accessibility               inform them about iron equipment and hot
                                                              water, get towels, and order food. She felt
            When Haze was at the airport terminal, she        frustrated because the lack of emergency lights
          told the front desk that she is deaf and that they   and information communication and technologies
          should just call me when it’s time to ride on the   systems.
          airport bus. They agreed to inform her. Then, there
          was an announcement about delayed time and
          transferring of places and she did not hear and     Lesson Learned
          know about it. She noticed that all passengers had     Being deaf in a hearing world and succeeding
          gone out and changed places, so she went to ask     requires a lot of effort. We need to motivate them
          the front desk about what happened, and they        to make consistent progress. We should make our
          wrote her a note. She was frustrated with them      communications clear to them since it is critical
          because they were not concerned about how           for them and us to communicate clearly and
          to communicate and failed to inform her about       effectively, ensuring that both the deaf and not
          communications technologies, systems, and other     deaf are on the same page and fully informed.
          facilities and services provided to the public. When   In this world, everybody should have access
          she was boarding the aeroplane, the announcer       to information; the deaf have the right to access
          instructed all passengers on emergency kits and     information like everyone else. Being deaf does
          safety— same with port and bus terminals—           not make your needs any less important. We
          with no interpreter inset or closed captions on     must recognise their strengths and show interest
          television.                                         in interacting with them using sign language and
            Haze went to hospitals, doctors, and veterinary   developing technologies and captioning systems
          clinics many times. She went there with an          for better communication.
          interpreter to know what the doctor’s saying rather    Lastly, do not let anyone tell you cannot do or
          than writing notes. She does not have a job, so her   achieve something because you cannot hear.  For
          budget is insufficient, but she needs a check-up,   a deaf person, it takes courage to succeed and
          which is vital to living a pain-free life. She paid the   commitment to achieve excellence. Every day,
          doctor’s and interpreter’s fees, as well as the cost   make an honest attempt to do your best.
          of the medication. Her total expenses for one day
          were PHP 2,700.00 plus.                              The author actively engaged as an advocate and access
            The deaf community, including Haze, needs          auditor, besides his work at the local government unit
                                                               of San Jose de Buenavista, Antique being a licensed
          closed captions at cinemas. In museums, concerts,    Environmental Planner in the Province of Antique. He
          sports centres, and events, she helped the deaf      has great interest in consultancy work, coordinating,
                                                               mentoring, as well as computer engineering.

                                                                           Vol. 01, Issue 3 | August 2023    4
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