Page 29 - Mainstreamer e-Magazine Volume 5, April 2024
P. 29

CALL FOR MANUSCRIPT                                    FOR MAINSTREAMER E-MAGAZINE
                                                                   VOLUME 6 (NOVEMBER 2024)

          The University of Malaya Press is excited to announce     policies/action plans that relate to or may affect
          the production of Mainstreamer e-Magazine, an             disabled persons.
          electronic magazine that publishes semi-academic       •  ASEANizing Inclusion: Provides an avenue for
          essays and creative works relating to issues affecting    critical discussion and ASEAN regional identity-
          the disabled community in ASEAN countries. The            building within the contexts of disabled people’s
          Mainstreamer e-Magazine Vol. 6 is scheduled to be         advocacy and development in the Southeast
          published in November 2024.                               Asian region.
            We humbly invite interested contributors, both       •  Demiurgic Lens: Provides an avenue for creative
          disabled persons and non-disabled persons from ASEAN      works and artistic display among disabled
          countries to submit a manuscript based on one of the      persons.
          following topics:                                      We also accept book or monograph reviews.
            •  Barrier-Free Society: Discusses issues relating to   Please read and follow carefully the editorial policy
               accessibility, be it in public transportation, built   below to ensure a smooth review of your manuscript:
               environment, information and communication
               technologies, etc.                                1.  Mainstreamer e-Magazine only accepts a single-
            •  Needn’t Fret!: Share experiences and life            author manuscript.
               strategies to foster a more positive, proactive,   2.  The manuscript must be written in U.S. English,
               and meaningful life, including life adaptation for   using Arial, size 11, double line spacing and the
               those who become adventitiously impaired.            word count must not be more than 1200 words.
            •  Recent Research: Shares summary of recent         3.  Details such as the author’s name, affiliation (if
               studies concerning disabled persons and/or           applicable), email address and the title of the
               disability issues.                                   manuscript must be provided at the top of the
            •  Good Work!: Discusses experiences, strategies,       manuscript.
               and other relevant issues concerning              4.  Mainstreamer e-Magazine recognizes that
               employment among disabled persons, inclusive         different cultures may have different ways or
               labour market, and their labour rights.              terminologies when referring to persons with
            •  Critical Thoughts: Provides an avenue for a          impairment and/or chronic illness. We accept the
                                                                    use of identity-first and person-first language.
               critical and thought-provoking discussion about      Should you need assistance in this matter, please
               disablement in society, including social constructs   do not hesitate to contact our editorial team.
               such as normalcy, justice, autonomy, etc.
            •  The Spearheads: Documents the history,            5.  Mainstreamer e-Magazine shall not accept,
                                                                    publish, and promote any manuscript that
               experiences, achievements, and visions of            contains ableist, racist, and/or sexist messages as
               leaders of the disabled community regarding          well as other forms of hate speech. The content
               disabled persons’ empowerment, development,          of the manuscript must respect and consider
               and the community’s future.                          Asian values.
            •  Young Voice: Provides an avenue for disabled      The review process follows the sequence below:
               young activists and students to share their
               thoughts, experiences, and vision relating to     •  Manuscript submission: Opens throughout the
               the disabled community’s current affairs and its     year.
               future.                                           •  Notification of acceptance: Within 2 weeks after
            •  IT Helps!: Discusses user experiences and the        submission.
               latest news about the latest technological        •  Manuscript review process: Takes between 3-4
               inventions for persons with specific/various types   weeks after submission.
               of impairment.                                    •  Correction by the author (if any) and final
            •  Campus Life: Discusses experiences, strategies,      documentation process: Within 2 weeks after the
               and other relevant issues relating to disabled       author receives the review report.
               people and/or disability issues in higher         Each author will be awarded MYR500.00 for each
               education.                                     manuscript accepted for publication.
            •  The Government of The People: Provides an         For more information, please contact the Managing
               avenue for critical policy analysis specifically   Editor at
               about international, regional, and/or national
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